Chapter 1

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Engfa got dressed and headed to meeting. Normally today is Engfa off day but her boss asked her could she come to the meeting as support and for her ideas. Engfa got dressed into her favorite black suit which she already unbutton the first to buttons. Engfa loves to show her dominant said which fans love and where she got the name "Daddy Engfa" from. Her manager drove her to the building and helped her out the car. Engfa grabbed her tea which was waiting for her and walked inside. Her boss was already sitting there with three familiar faces and a camera crew. Engfa sat down next to her coworker Charlotte. Charlotte was her coworker from the series Show Me Love. They haven't seen each other face to face in a long time which made things awkward for them. They indeed tried dating but it felt so forced that they didn't even like the love was real so they broke up but remained friends. Engfa feelings for Charlotte never left. Engfa couldn't show her feelings so she kept a straight face and greeted everyone before locking eyes with her boss.

Engfa:So. Why are am I here?

Boss:You four will be working on a gl show together. Freen and Becky are super popular from the hit The Gap Series so I want you all to collab with them. They agreed immediately and so did Charlotte. We just n-

Engfa:Yeah yeah I'm in.

Boss:Okay great you'll get the scripts once you all leave. You all need to hang out together and get the feeling to be closer okay. I know you all know each other separately but get closer okay? I want this show to feel real. I want to grab the lgbtq community and make me say "Omg that's so gay let me just rewatch that" you know that feeling. That feeling that makes them want to watch it back to back. For example Show me love episodes 7 and 9 cough cough. The pool and purple room. Then the gap series episode 8 3/4 and 9 2/4 and 4/4.

Engfa:Why do you remember all of that? (Laughs)

Freen:I'm honored to work with Engfa and Charlotte. Ever since the gap series ended I wanted to do more wlw(women like women) roles. Engfa is known for being bisexual and I can learn from her. She's Daddy Engfa and I'm Daddy Freen on TikTok so this series will be a bit I believe. I'm exchange Charlotte and Becky will teach us English and we can teach them Thai.

Becky(nodding while listening to the translator):Yeah I agree with Freen.

Charlotte(glances at Engfa then nods):Yeah.. me too.

Boss:Alright my gays then it's settled.

Charlotte:Wait um please don't call me that yet. I'm not in the lgbtq yet. I've never been with a woman.

Engfa(looks at Charlotte):If it's makes you comfortable don't think of me as girl. (Smiles)

Charlotte(blushes a little):I- uh actually Nevermind what I just said.

Becky:Should we go so all of us can know each other well.


Engfa:Ill call my driver.

Engfa walked out the building with her tea and her driver immediately pulled up in front of her in the van she requested. The doors open and Charlotte and Becky got in first before Freen and Engfa. Freen sat next to Becky and Engfa carefully sat next to Charlotte. They went to an restaurant and got a booth. Engfa let the girls sit on the inside while her and Freen sat on the outside. They ordered some food and a little bit of alcohol. Everyone knows that Engfa is crazy when she's drunk. Since she's slightly working she doesn't want to ruin anything.

Engfa:Okay let's get to know you Beckyyyy. So where were you born?

Becky:Here in Thailand but I went to Australia and started school there.

Engfa:I should've know because of your British accent.

Freen:Are you from Australia too Charlotte?

Charlotte:I'm like Becky Half Thai half British. My dad is from London.

Freen:Huh amazing.

Engfa:But your accent isn't that heavy unless your drunk (looks at Charlotte)

Charlotte:Mmm true but once I start talking to international fans it do. (Looks at Engfa then away)

Engfa:So fans call you daddy too?

Freen:Yes because of my top energy.

Engfa:Same here. I'm know your wearing suits mostly that slight show the cleavage. They show dominance seriously. Once you all want to go over the script we can go to my place.

Freen:Yeah sounds like a good idea. Let's just order and eat first before we focus on the script.

Engfa(looks at Charlotte):No rush no pressure okay? If your uncomfortable just think of me as a guy and see if that makes you feel better. (Smiles and looks at the menu)

Charlotte(blushes while looking at the menu):Hm. I don't know what to order. P'Fa what do you eat.

Engfa:They have soup noodles Korean bbq rice and many different types of food. I always get Pad Thai and grilled Korean bbq and Tom Yum Goong. The Tom Yum Goong is spicy shrimp soup.

Becky:I don't eat spicy food.

Freen:They have Kuay Teow which is noodle soup you want that?

Becky:I'll have that and milk bubble tea too!

Freen:You just want noodles?

Becky:Mmm what do you recommend?

Freen: Khao Pad which is fried rice. I'm getting Laab. Spicy salad.

Becky:Hm I'll get the Kuay Teow milk bubble tea and the Khao Pad.

Charlotte:Hm I don't know what to eat.

Engfa:Just share with me because it's alot of food.

Charlotte:Mm I know you did. Are you getting alcohol? I'll watch you.

Engfa:Yeah I am. I haven't had any all week. Thank you.

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