Chapter 19 ⚠️(Tw:Attempted Su*cide)

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The group headed to the restaurant and got different tables but sat close. Charlotte noticed the box Engfa been carrying but didn't say anything. She held Engfa hand and looked at menu. Engfa told the waiter that two people were coming but went ahead and order for everyone. Engfa felt so nervous but remained calm. While Charlotte was scrolling on her phone she noticed two shadows behind her. She thought it was ghost so she didn't bother to look. Engfa chuckled and bowed before pulling two chairs up. Tina and Heidi was shocked and bowed. Charlotte finally looked and hugged her parents before sitting down.

Engfa:Your mother is the one who wanted this.

Mom:Is it okay if Heidi and Tina join too? It can be family lunch.

They moved to a roof seat and got a bigger table. The table was already set up with the food Engfa ordered and drinks.

Char(In English):How long will you two be here?

Dad:Maybe a week? Your mom been busy but we wanted to see you. We saw you were in the states but your mom was here in Thailand and I was in the UK.

Char:I was coming to see you dad I promise.

Dad:Can your friends understand English?

Heidi:Mm. I'm Thai-Danish.

Tina:And my dad is from the US. Engfa is the only one who's 100% (laughs)

Char(laughs):It's okay dad. She can understand a little and I can translate if she need help.

Mom:It feels great to see everyone na. Wow. Your all so beautiful.

Heidi(bows):Thank you.

Tina:Thank you.

Engfa(lost in her thoughts)

Dad:Is it true you and Engfa are together now?

Char:Yes. I meant to call but we got so tired and it was a lot going on.

Mom:We saw. That interview was horrible. Toxic people.

Engfa(looks at Char mom):You really do look like your mom.

Char(smiles):Really. I've been told I look like my dad more.

Engfa:Your the perfect combination of your parents na.


Mom:Engfa did you bring the box?

Engfa:Mm. Yes ma'am.

Mom:Can we look at it?

Engfa(hands her the box)

Dad:Oh wow it's good looking.

Engfa(English):Thank you. It was from my father.

Mom:He would be proud na.

Engfa(Bows):Thank you.


P'Fa:Mai! Mai! I'm not doing that.

Tina(Sighs deeply):Oh.

Char:What's in the box?

Dad(Gives the box to Engfa):It's better if she tells you.

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