Chapter 9

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Boss directed Charlotte and Engfa to get ready to record. They started recording and Engfa knocked on the door. Charlotte answered the door letting Engfa in. They hugged each other and headed upstairs to Charlotte room. Once they entered the room Charlotte locked the door and sat on the bed. Engfa smiled and sat on Charlottes bed. Charlotte climbed onto Engfa lap before looking into Engfas eyes. Boss didn't give them a script to read he told them to go with the flow.

Charlotte:Did you eat before you came here?

Engfa:Mm. I had some Pho.

Charlotte:Was it good?

Engfa:Yea. What's wrong? When you called me you seemed nervous. What did you want to tell me.

Char(takes a deep breath):I don't know how to tell you this. I'm home alone though.

Engfa:Come on tell me.

Char(stares at Engfa before getting off her lap):Wait. Cut. I'm sorry. How am I supposed to do this without a script.

Boss:Let's switch it then. Let it be Engfa confessing.

Engfa:Okay I can do it.

Char:I'm sorry.

Engfa(smiles):Don't be. Just go with the flow right?

Boss(smirking):Yeah. Go with the flow.

Engfa:Nu can you lay down on the bed?

Char(lays down on the bed)

The camera starts recording and Engfa hovered over Charlotte and started to kiss her. Charlotte kisses back for awhile before stopping Engfa.

Char:What is it that you wanted to tell me?

Engfa:Well we been friends for a long time now. Every time I'm around you my heartbeats so fast. I can barely speak when I'm around you. You make me feel like I'm the only person in the world. I'm sorry for freaking out when you asked me if we could try again. I was just shocked that you wanted to try again. So I called could I see you so I could tell you I want to try again. I'm serious. I want us again. Can you be my girlfriend please?

Char(blushing):Wait seriously?

Engfa:I'm serious. (Whispers in Charlotte's ear) Fuck the cameras.

Char:Wait Engfa are you confessing for real?!


Engfa:Mm. I really like you Charlotte. We just need to communicate more and we can understand each other much better. I want us again. Please. Let's try again.

Charlotte(wraps her arms around Engfa neck):Yes please. I miss us too.

Engfa:Can I prove how much I miss you?


Engfa leaned in and started kissing Charlotte. Charlotte responded to kiss blushing. After kissing for awhile Boss yelled cut but they wasn't stopping. Freen and Becky had their mouths opened shocked to see Englot not stopping. Engfa slipped her hand up the oversized T-shirt Charlotte was wearing and started to finger Charlotte. Charlotte started at Engfa and grabbed Engfa wrist before smirking.

Engfa:Don't say it (tries not to laugh and removes her hand)

Charlotte:Khun Sam (Laughs)

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