Chapter 20

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After everyone separated Tina Heidi and Charlotte headed back to her place and went live singing karaoke and being hyper from Charlottes tea. Everyone got a notification that Engfa commented under that person but they didn't pay attention. Charlotte live started to flood with comments saying check on Engfa.

Char:Hm? Why is everyone saying that?

Tina(phone rings and answers):H-

P'Daad(crying):Is Engfa with you guys?

Heidi(Phone rings and answers):Hello?


Tina:Wait what's going on?!

Char(checks her phone):She what?!

P'Daad:Please go to our place! Engfa isn't answering the phone! (Crying) she commented under a toxic person saying she will make they wish come true.

Charlotte Tina and Heidi immediately got into Charlottes Audi and drove to Engfa. They got out the car and saw Engfa knock the chair down. Charlotte and Heina tried looking for a way in but it was nothing. Kiew jumped on the door which unlocked the back gate to let them in. Charlotte immediately grabbed Engfa body while Tina and Heidi untied the rope.

?(breathing heavily and stares at Engfa):Yeah I'll be there too na! Fuck P'Fa.

Engfa(looks up):Y-your here?

Nudee:P'Fa you was just going to leave us?! (Crying) What the hell?!

Engfa(looks down):I'm sorry.

Nudee(joins the hug):Thank you guys for getting here quickly.

Charlotte(holding Engfa hand):We we're close.

Engfa:How did you all get in when I put on all the locks and everything?

Char:Kiew let us in. He unlocked the back gate.

Engfa(smiles):Your such a good boy. I guess you remember what to do on emergencies.

Nudee:Kiew called me barking.


Tina:P'Daad called me.

Char:Call them to let them know she's okay. Come on Engfa. Girls we can talk about this in the morning. I'm taking Engfa too bed.

Nudee:Oh we staying to na.

Engfa:I promise I'm not doing that again. (Looks up at the sky) I promise I won't do it again Phaw. Thanks for coming girls I promise to do better

Charlotte Kiew and Engfa went into Engfa room. Engfa took some headache pills and changed into her pjs. Engfa laid down and Kiew got into his bed and fell asleep. Charlotte put on Engfa clothes and got into the bed and looked at Engfa. Charlotte just cuddled with Engfa smiling.

Charlotte:We are forever na. You can't leave me no matter what. I have this ring on okay na? I'm yours and your mine. Who cares what others say na. We have each other and that's what we need.

Engfa(smiles):Thank you Nu. Don't worry my mind is clear.


Engfa:Promise. (Wipes Charlottes tears) it was wrong of me to do that instead of talking to you. I just didn't want you to think I'm getting hate because your dating someone older then you.

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