Chapter 8

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The next day Englot woke up naked trying to remember what happened last night. Charlotte looked over to see Tina and Heidi waking waking up. Charlotte immediately what happened last night and her face turned so red. Charlotte then realized that Engfa literally touched her while Tina and Heidi where in the room. She's surprised that she didn't see them last night. Engfa finally woke up after Tina and Heidi were up.

Engfa:What happened last night

Tina:I don't remember anything really. Looks like the maids cleaned up the house though.

Heidi:Wait how did you two get in here?

Engfa:Mmm. I don't know.

Charlotte:You don't remember anything Engfa?

Engfa:Wait let's go downstairs and watch the live.

Heidi:Good idea.

Charlotte:Is that really necessary though?

Heidi:Yes yes it is.

Everyone got dressed and headed downstairs. Heidi immediately went on her tv and pulled up the live. Freen and Becky were in the living laying on the couch waiting to watch the live. Heidi click on the live from last night. Everyone couldn't believe what was going on. They all noticed the way Engfa was staring at Charlotte. They noticed that Tina and Heidi was all over each other until Tina headed upstairs and Heidi followed right after her. Freen and Becky were the only two who wasn't drinking and but was just reading and talking to each other. Freen looked at camera on live before talking.

Freen:Watch they all going to watch this in the morning because they won't remember what happened to them last night.

Becky(laughs):The way P'Tina and P'Fa looks they won't remember anything.

Heidi laughed before noticing the way Charlotte grabbed Engfa and took her upstairs. The camera didn't show anything else but that. Engfa noticed on her live that she was on her phone so she pulled out her phone and went to her notes. It was titled "What you did last night". Here was the list.

-You went you Tina and Heidi house
-You had hella drinks
-You kept biting your lip while looking at Char
-You and Char kissed
-Char dragged you upstairs
-You touched Char(finger her if you don't know)
-You didn't forced her she begged you
-You have a few hickies on your chest
-You and Char talked for a bit
-Now your asleep

After reading the list Engfa immediately screamed before gently tossing her phone on the couch. She hurried to the restroom and took off her shirt to see the hickies on her chest just like her notes. Engfa face was so red that she felt hot. Engfa came out the bathroom with everyone looking at her and the hickies. Charlotte covered her face blushing knowing she remembered everything.

Engfa:Is that why you didn't want us looking?

Char:Mm. I knew everything from last night. From the moment Tina and Heidi went into the bathroom to make out to the moment you and I went upstairs and had our moment.

Tina:Dam. We was wasted Engfa.

Engfa(laughs):I guess you and I were then.

Heidi:You four should be getting ready for the FreenBecky x Englot Event. (Looks at Engfa) You sure your ready?

Engfa(Looks at Heidi):O-of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?

Heidi(Smiles softly):Nothing just making sure you still got it.

Engfa:What that spark?

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