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yeah, enjoy this absolutely nonsense :3


Kiria's pov:

I heard my father shouting my name. Great, he needs me to help him with his spaceship, what a great start for an afternoon. I scoffed and got up from bed, making my way to the garage. I couldn't see him at first, but then I saw him doing something inside the ship.

"Kiria, can you fetch me the wrench from the counter?"

I did as I was told. I had no motivation for anything, living in this good for nothing Lombax infested planet. Well, not entirely infested by Lombaxes..Percival, a cragmite lived here on Fastoon. The Lombax miners found an cragmite egg a few years ago on Kreeli Comet. I've heard that the cragmites had something going on with the Lombaxes, and then started a war against them. My father still refuses to tell me how the Lombaxes won. He says I'm too young to know, even tho I'm fucking 15?

Anyway, I grabbed the wrench and gave it to my father. I actually know how to use a spaceship, but I wish I had my own one. I always use my fathers one.

"Hey Pa, I'm gonna get some fresh air, I'll come back later".

He responded with an okay and I went out of the garage. I don't know, but I feel so shitty today that I don't have the motivation to gamble or something. Percival also wasn't in sight. Sure, we were a bit of friends, but talking to him is a bit eh. And his voice is kinda annoying as fuck, but I ignore it. My father said that the other Cragmite's voices were so much more worse. We became friends the second we met. I don't know why, but he was kinda more interesting than the Lombaxes. Anyways, I will wait 'till my father's ship is fixed because I have something to do on Cobalia. My father needs some Gelatonium for his ship, I will go for him. Catching some leviathan souls and sell them would also bring me a good amount of bolts. Not sure what I'm gonna do with the bolts. But imma just wander a bit for now, I was inside my house yesterday for a dang great time.


I was outside for like 2 hours or something, don't blame me, I don't have a watch. My phone was also at home, so my father is probably a bit worried about me. I may be a bit careless sometimes, but my father means a lot to me after my mother died of an unknown disease. He's been a bit depressed, but I'm surprised he doesn't drink. I'm not sad or something, I only saw my mom for like 5 months and she just died. I still was a baby, so I couldn't understand shit that was going on. The only thing that I remember that she had the same eyes as me...

I made my way back to my home. Since I'm such a lazy ass, I'm using the hoverboots Kaden gave me once, even tho I could get consequences with the police, but I don't give a fuck, I live in the most unlively part anyway. Kaden and my father were friends, but not as good as Kaden with Alister. Not gonna lie, Alister gave me the chills because dawg he looks scary. But I respect him.

I was home just right after my father fixed his spaceship, perfect! I took my Razor claws (my favorite weapon 😋) and a Combuster because I will hunt some leviathan souls of course. I ran into a garage and saw him checking if everything was fine. 

"Pa, you wanted to get some gelatonium for your spaceship, can I go get you some? I also need something on Cobalia."

My father looked a bit suspiciously at me, well, I'm not allowed to hunt the souls for some point but dang, bolts are bolts. I was promising my father that i will come back in time and he gave me his ship. I started it and set the coordinates to Cobalia. The only thing that will annoy me the most are those large sized fucking roaches. Fuck, they are disgusting. And I mean it. Disgusting. But I will go to them gelatonium factory and go to those swamps near it, so I'm fine I guess. 

The ship was a bit shaky when I started it. Gosh, I wish we had a spaceship like Kaden's Aphelion.. well, it can't be helped. I'm at least happy that I left this hot boiling planet. I miss the smell of forests. But not the roaches. Ew.

I was flying through the Cerullean sector when I heard that a signal was trying to reach out to me. It was more like a help signal or some kinda shit. I looked around and saw a different spaceship. It didn't move. I decided I should take a closer look at it. I didn't even notice that the signal has reached out to me. 

"Hey Lombax, thank god you are here, I thought I will be stuck in space forever! Would you mind give me a hand?"

Fuck, it was a Terachnoid. I fucking hate these nerdy creatures. They literally think that they are better than everyone else. Well, maybe he has bolts he could pay me, so I asked him what's wrong. He told me he was on his way to Cobalia when he ran out of fuel. Wow, he was on his way to my destination, that makes everything so much more easier. I'm so fucking lucky that my fathers spaceship had one of those ropes for transport (A/N: I forgot how they were called lmao, you could use them in a crack in time after a certain spaceship update with the Zoni). The Terachnoid offered me a big amount of bolts, so I helped him out and started to transport his ship. I was now slower, but as I said, bolts are bolts. 

Word count: 1006

(A/N: I will write each chapter with minimum 1000 words. Yeah, keep reading lol.)

Really a Lombax? (Ratchet and Clank Oc DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now