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I have arrived with the smuggler waiting for Darkwater to show up. I hope he's not available, he's just too creepy to talk with. Waited for a great half an hour just to meet a pretty dumb looking pirate..long body, long arms, big ass yellow glowing eyes and short, just a little bit taller than me. The smuggler said that he will leave me for a while since he had sone "business" with the space pirates. That decatroid introduced himself as Rusty Pete, Darkwater said he would replace him if he wasn't available, at least he's not scary, even kinda funny (cmon everyone loves Pete he's a cutie patootie). He asked me all kinds of questions, what's my name, where I'm from, how come I visited Ardolis as a Lombax..just interviewing me. I hate it when other interview me, but this is a special case. Then he told me why Darkwater wants me to be a part of the space pirate crew. It's because I'm no ordinary Lombax. I had contact with...

Emperor Percival Tachyon..?

What did he mean by emperor? Does he rule Polaris or something? But I don't care, when I will see that lizard looking ass I would kill him and make him drop to the deepest pit of hell. And I mean it. 

Rusty Pete continued telling me why Darkwater wanted me. He also said I am physically and emotionally strong because of the events last time (and I certainly don't believe it). And they also needed a biological life form in their crew because the replacement he will give me for my eye doesn't work on robots. I would also earn so much more bolts than usually. I thought a bit..is it really worth it? I only came here for the Zoni tech, but..why not? As a space pirate, I can travel trough the whole galaxy..ain't that great? And I also won't be targeted anymore.

I agreed that I will join the space pirates. I'm still processing why I did that. But at least I won't be in any great danger anymore. I mean, can it be worse? 


It can.

I just didn't know at the time.

When I signed everything, I told Pete that I'm going back to Hoolefar to get my stuff. The thing that surprised me is that the space pirates were literally living on Merdegraw all the time without me knowing it..They mostly just hang out in the middle of the Azorian Sea. But Pete told me it's..not a good idea to go there this soon since the space pirates there don't know that I joined... I wasn't going there anyway..

When I arrived on Hoolefar, it was raining. Wow, it's the first time I actually saw rain here, and all the Hoolefoids were hanging out inside. This gives me a great opportunity to 'sneak out' of here, if you call it like that. I ran to my house to avoid getting too wet, took a sheet of paper and wrote a small letter.

Dear Hoolefoid! (Or whatever you are),

I'm going out of Hoolefar (or even outside Merdegraw) for a great looooong time, so if you are searching for me, I'm not available. I'm out since I have some "business" with other people, and it could even take me 'some' time. Or more. Idk I'm not available fix your own problems.

Kiria Blackwood

I rushed the letter since I wanted to take a small nap and then pack my things, not my whole house of course, just some important things I need. I'm going to hang that letter on my door when I wake up. But now I'll take a little nap.


I heard my alarm go off, great, now I need to pack up all the shit I need. Mostly weapons, valuables and other stuff. Took me half an hour to pack them and throw them onto my spaceship. Then I hung the letter I wrote a while ago and hung it onto my door. No one expect the beacon operator and the smuggler have me in their contacts, so I hope no one would bother or expose me (and it's still funny how I still don't know both of their names). Then I sat in my ship for 5 minutes, spaced out. I'm having a new life now, not like the one I had: walking on Hoolefar, helping others, meeting the smuggler..and now I'm gonna be hanging around with a bunch of decadroid robots who were supposed to hunt for Lombax technology.. and probably use me because of the eye replacement..I wonder what that is. But at least I will have a less chance of getting murdered. If I don't piss them off of course.

Now I'm flying from the Drogol sector to the Cerullean sector. I was flying slower, I was nervous for some shitty reason. There is someone that Darkwater mentioned: Romulus Slag. I only met Rusty Pete, but who is he? I've been too curious this year somehow, I should quit it. The only thing that annoys me is that whenever we make a trip to Ardolis, I see that goddamn deserted planet. You know already which one. The one that had fluffy bugs in it. I hope it gets destroyed or moved somehow. We have that kind of technology after all.

Fastoon was not visible to me anymore (which I'm happy for), only Ardolis, that green ass looking planet. I wonder why past me never decided to take a trip to it. And I'm happy I wasn't as curious as now. I'd be dead by then. 

When I entered the pirate fleet, I was searching for a spot where no one would really see me. I'm only comfortable when someone accompanies me. I hope I meet that Rusty Pete again, he seems fine, not like the others. They still give me the chills. After landing, I sneaked into the fleet, like I was an outsider, I don't know, I just don't feel safe right now. 

"Hey are you Kiria B.?"

Familiar voice from behind me. I almost literally jumped to the roof when I heard Pete sneaking up to me. This scared me so much I accidentally took out my razor claws.


"AH sorry! But I didn't sneak up to you..I was walking like the most normal robot being. Anyway, I saw you parking somewhere a bit further away and saw you enter our fleet, so I followed you because Darkwater said he wanted to meet you the second you step foot here. I'll be your guide from here on, I'll show you around later after the meeting. Can't wait to introduce you to my best friend Slag! Now follow me, it's not that far away from Darkwater. He might be an jerk in my opinion, but I'm sure you'll get along, right..?"

Word count: 1156

Damn, I wrote a bit more :O

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