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This is Kiria when she met Pete for the second time after joining the space pirates :)

This is Kiria when she met Pete for the second time after joining the space pirates :)

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That little girl put us down, puh, my head hurts and I feel dizzy so much after being upside down for hours. Plus I fell onto my head. Where's Rusty Pete? Is he Ok? I need to get out of here as fast as I can, but then, where am I? Why is Dr. Nefarious also here? 

(She went a bit schizophrenic while gameplay lmao)

A few minutes later..

Qwark: Hmm, a letter. (gasps) And it's written in macaroni! "Dear Lombax. These Vac-Us will come in handy. Love Susie."

The next second, Quark grabbed a Vac-Us and sucked Dr. Nefarious with it..sounds wrong...I'm so fucking dirty minded.

Dr. Nefarious: Let me go, you half-wit!

Qwark: I'm trying! Maybe if I just -

(Nefa went screaming like a little girl while flying across the room)

Dr. Nefarious: Miserable, stupid, incompetent -

Clank: Please, we must all stay calm. We are going to have to work together until we find out where we are and how to get home.

Qwark: Clank's right. For the sake of our own survival, and for drama, we must set aside our petty squabbles and act as a singular unit.

Dr. Nefarious: For now...

Kiria: Are y'all still good in the head, or did y'all just still have too much blood in your heads? Stay Calm?! Work together!? With you!? Never in my life! 

Ratchet: Kiria, but if you want to get back, we have to! It's not like we want to work with you either..

Kiria: Tch, matris futuor..

Ratchet: What?

Kiria: It's Latin, better you not know.

(I forgot to mention, Kiria can speak Latin. Don't know how she learned it, just woke up once and started speaking it. She said Motherfucker)

Ratchet: Who the hell still speaks Latin? Ain't that an ancient language?

Kiria: You say that like both of your parental figures aren't died out.

Ratchet: Hey, take that back!

Kiria: Hmm lemme think..uhhh..no.

A few moments later, somewhere in the Aldaros Plains.. (IM SORRY FOR SO MANY JUMPS I NEVER PLAYED THAT GAME BEFORE SO I KNOW NO SHIT😭🤚)

Cronk (in a hologram): Hello, Rookie!

Ratchet: Cronk? Zephyr? Man, it is good to see you guys!

Really a Lombax? (Ratchet and Clank Oc DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now