.~*Quest for Booty (3)*~.

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Slag: "Ah yes, me old crew. Shoulda joined in on the mutiny, eh fellas? Ahahahahaha!"

Pete: "Hey, that guy still owes me thirty quid!"

We entered the 'forbidden' gate, but it's just more dead space pirates..

Kiria: "Oh hey! That's the guy I gambled with first before I joined! Poor guy went so broke he couldn't pay the taxes."

Slag: "Kiria, how many times do I have to tell ye, pirates don't pay Taxes!"

Kiria: "Party-shitter."

Pete: "I used to go to the pub with that one. Total lightweight he is (hiccup)...Whoops! Cap'n must've retracted the bridge on our way out, you have to look for another way around (hiccup)!"

 When we walked left, I could hear screeching..oh fuck it's the GORE THWOGS! I AM SO FUCKING SCARED OF THEM PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THEM PLEASE GOD I BEG FOR FORGIVENESS (I'm an atheist by the way)! I didn't even notice that I was close behind Pete and Slag.

Slag: "Be gone! Shoo! Flee!

Pete: "That rail ought to be sturdy enough to shimmy across. I'd do it myself if I hadn't suffered an unfortunate jig dancing injury..eh uhh and Kiria! Her Hoverboots are broken so she can't fly across!"

Wait, my hoverboots are just fine, what is he talking about?

Kiria: "Mate what the fu-"

Pete: "Shush! Don't tell him!"

Kiria: "Ok I guess.."

Ratchet started to shimmy across the rail when suddenly he heard a really loud hissing and the ground started to shake a bit. Ratchet of course asked what it was, but Pete used that dumb excuse of shadow puppets no one would believe, but I guess Ratchet let that slide.

A few moments later..

Slag: "I'm fixin' to plunder, tear yer ship asunder, and rob you of all of yer loot. So if ya like breathin', ya better be leavin', cause anyone left I'll shoot! Ah ha hah!"

It was nice to hear Slag singing in this void of silence to be honest. But the silence was cut off when Ratchet started to spin the bolt crank on the other side to extend the bridge, and we crossed it. Pete thanked him and Slag said the secret password to the elevator that will bring us to Darkwater's ship. While going up or down, I don't know, Slag was telling what a jerk Darkwater was and how he deserved to rott here. Then the elevator started to shake. I'm pretty sure this was a pythor now. When we got out, Ratchet went to get a Heliogrub when a Pythor started to attack us. 

Kiria: "Hey, Lemon sucker (aka Ratchet)! Get the bolt crank, I'll kill that goddamn thing and have him for dinner!"

Slag: "Where be the beast?! Let me at 'em! If only I had me arms! I'd chain that mangy pythor to the keel! It's been many moons since I've dined on a pythor tail. Pete, are you still a vegetarian?"

Oh no, Slag is babbling some nonsense again.

Slag: "Is that all ya got?! C'mon, why don't you try your cheap moves on Captain Romulus Slag!"

Pete and Kiria: "Begging yer pardon Cap'n, BUT SHUT YER GROG HOLE!"

Ratchet went and cranked the bolt, then I defeated the pythor. Then we saw her, Darkwater's ship. I could fly there myself, but Pete had to bring up the lie about my broken Hoverboots. Now we have to wait until that sucker climbs onto the ship..

Somewhere 10 minutes later..

Pete: "Nice goin', mate! Now, just extend the plank and we'll meet you aboard!"

Pete and Slag started to cross the bridge while I hesitated a bit after a tried looking down. Now I realized that I also have a fear of heights..the whole cavern is my fear to be honest. I used to enter ships by flying up to them with my hoverboots, but now because I can't use them now because of Pete..Fuck it, I'll just stay close behind Pete and Slag and I managed to cross to the ship. Wait, I'm starting to act like a child..what's happening to me? Is it something like PTSD? Yeah, feels like it. I just want to leave already..

Ratchet: "The fairest battle in pirating history. Right."

Pete was humming happily while walking behind Ratchet. Something is definitely not right, Pete almost never acts like this.

Pete: "Why don't ya stand right there, mate? I'll check fer booby traps."

Ratchet: "Booby traps? Isn't that a bit cliché?"

Kiria: "Uhh Pete..?"

Pete: "Hahah, not at all, mate. (hiccup) After all, you're the boob—and here's the trap!"



I knew from the beginning that this was a bad idea. Seeing your Captain getting stuck in the body of someone who wanted you to die here is something you don't want to see..

Pete: "Cheers for the help, mate! Couldn't have gotten through the caverns without ya!"

Kiria: "Pete, what in the actual fuck were you thinking! Y'all revived Darkwater AND his crew! I'd rather have built him a body myself than using that one!"

In the meantime, Slag has kicked Ratchet out of the ship. At least Pete gave him a combusted and a fusion grenade. Slag and Pete looked down at Ratchet while I stood on the side, trying not to get too close to Slag. Who knows, maybe Darkwater is now controlling Slag?

Slag: "Ahoy, there, me hearty! This be Cap'n Slag! Scourge o' the galaxy, and—"

To no surprise, Darkwater's right hand punched Slag's face so hard that it started to spin like crazy. 

Darkwater: "Dirty, back-stabbin', no good Decadroid!"

Slag: "Darkwater! Ye got a lotta nerve possessin' me! This be my body now!"

Darkwater: "Watch yer tongue, ye mangy ol' body snatcher! Or I'll carve out yer gizzard and fry it fer me supper!"

Slag: "Ooh, tough talk fer a wee little phantasm!"

Darkwater: "Oh ho! I'm a phantasm on account o' you stickin' this blade in me back, ya miserable cheat!"

Me and Pete were in total shock looking at these two fighting. I have never seen these both so angry before. It is more terrifying after he noticed me-

(Look at this scared little cutie patootie he's so precious I can't please help me)

(Look at this scared little cutie patootie he's so precious I can't please help me)

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Word count: 1041

About the diary that Ratchet gave Kiria back: it will re appear in Rift Apart, so don't wait any more info about it.

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