Everest & Tracker | Moving into The Lookout

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Jake, Everest, Tracker, and Carlos arrive where they're welcomed by Ryder, Marshall, and Chase)

Ryder: It's nice that you two considered the offer!

Everest: Thanks Ryder! (unsure) We can go back if we're not comfortable, right?

Ryder: (smiles and nods) I respect and understand your choices pups!

Tracker: Thanks for understanding Ryder!

Everest: (nods) Thank you!

Jake and Carlos: Take care, Everest/Tracker you're always welcome back if you change your mind!

Tracker and Everest: Thanks guys! (hugs their owners)

Sound: (wolf howl)

Everyone: (surprised) What was that?

Sound: (thud)

Male voice: Oof!

Female voice: Oof!

(the group looks over finding a dazed Mason and Mirage)

Ryder: (surprised) Mason, Mirage, what happened to you two?

(a female werewolf leaps forward)

Werewolf: (growls)

Pups: (screams) Werewolf!

Mason: Sorry about that guys!

Ryder: (confused) Sorry about what?

Mason: (embarrassed) Gasket used her puppy dog eyes and coaxed me into letting her try in a Paw Omnitrix! I wasn't looking and soon discovered there was a single transformation on it!

Werewolf: (steps forward) (Gasket's voice) Oh yeah! I feel powerful in this alien body

Pups: (surprised) Gasket?

Gasket: You bet pups!

Mason: (slaps the Omnitrix symbol on her belt)

(Gasket engulfed in a flash of green and reverts back to her pup self)

Gasket: (pouts) Aww, I was just enjoying being an alien werewolf!

Mason: (pulls out Paw Omnitrix Override Tablet) (uses it to remove the Blitzwolfer form from the device on Gasket's wrist)

Gasket: (sighs) Well played Mason! (has the Paw Omnitrix removed by Mason one he turns it offline)

Mason: (puts both devices away) (to others) Sorry about that guys, she got me good with her puppy dog eyes!

Gasket: Sorry Mason, I couldn't resist!

Mason: I understand! (pets Gasket) Let's just get you back with the others! (puts on the Golden Tiger Claws and uses them to depart with his group)

Everest: I have to admit that was unexpected!

Carlos: I should've asked him for a lift home!

Jake: I could give you a lift back to the jungle, Carlos!

Carlos: Thank you Jake!

Jake: No problem dude!

(scene changes to Tracker scared on his first night in the dark)

Tracker: (nervously) It sure is scary in the dark!

Everest: (walks over) You okay Tracker?

Tracker: (sighs) Just a little scared of the dark and a little homesick!

Everest: (nods) I understand, do you want a little company?

Tracker: I would, but... Um?

Everest: (quietly giggles) Not sure if there's room for two pups? No problem, glad I asked Mirage for my genie powers! (changes into a plush toy version of herself)

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