Gasket & Katie | Katie's Genie Nightmare

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(scene opens to Katie in her bed wearing her genie outfit and hairstyle while Gasket and Cali sleep near her)

Katie: (suddenly wakes up without warning) (heavy panting)

Gasket: (wakes up) (tiredly) (concerned) Katie?

Katie: Sorry about waking you up, Gasket, I just had a bad nightmare!

Gasket: You wanna talk about it?

Katie: (nods)

(both exit the room leaving Cali who is still asleep)

Gasket: (concerned) What happened?

Katie: I had a nightmare where I was turned into a corrupted genie which led to the Mighty Pups having no choice but to kill me!

Gasket: (shocked gasps)

Katie: Agreed! Then after my death, it eventually led to the Paw Patrol being banished from Adventure Bay!

Gasket: That is bad!

Katie: (nods) Agreed! (sighs)

Gasket: Something wrong?

Katie: (breaks down in tears) I never want that to happen!

Gasket: What do you mean Katie?

Katie: I wanna be a normal girl again, no genie magic whatsoever!

Gasket: But Katie, your new genie magic is what makes you special and it was only a nightmare it's not like it'll really happen!

Katie: (touched) Thank you Gasket, you really know how to make me feel better!

Gasket: You helped me get a new better life so it's the least I can do to help out my beloved owner!

Katie: (smiles) Aww, such a sweet yet tough pup!

Gasket: (giggles) At least when I want to be!

(Katie and Gasket hug each other)

Gasket: Also didn't Mirage's family show you how to put your magic into your bottle again?

Katie: (embarrassed) True, I might've forgotten that too!

Gasket: So you wanna stay up a bit longer or head back to bed?

Katie: Maybe a little bit longer along with a herbal tea!

Gasket: I think I know someone who can help!

Sound: (wolf like howling)

Katie and Gasket: (startled) What was that!?

(a shadowy blur whooshes past the front door)

Katie and Gasket: (concerned) What was that!?

(front door opens)

Katie and Gasket: (screams while holding each other tight) Ghost!

Female voice: Odd way of welcoming a good buddy!

Gasket: (notices) (relieved) Oh! Mirage, it was just you!

Mirage: (confused) I just teleported outside, what are you talking about guys? (closes front door)

(the same shadowy blur whooshes past again)

Gasket and Katie: (scared) What is that thing!?

Mirage: (notices) Oh! That's just one of the new magic pups!

Katie: New?

Mirage: One of the Lycan pups!

Gasket: What are those?

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