Ryder, Katie, and Alex | Transformed Trio in the Jungle

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(scene opens to the jungle where Mason is chained against a tree while Ladybird is with his satchel)

Ladybird: (mocking) Haha! Not much you can do without your satchel!

Mason: This won't hold me!

Ladybird: (reaches into Mason satchel only finding it nearly empty) What? This thing is empty! (looks inside finding the monkey talisman and a meteor piece)

Ladybird: Hm? A meteor piece, plus a little animal transformation magic!

Mason: (upset) I order you to give that back!

Ladybird: (mocking) You're not going anywhere, fool! (gets her super powers from the meteor piece) Now to get rid of Ryder so those pups will be too busy looking for him to stop me! (looks at Mason's satchel) Garbage, and not even shiny! (tosses it by Mason's feet before flying away)

Mason: (glares at Ladybird leaves with the meteor piece and monkey talisman) This isn't over (quietly whistles) Come out girl!

(the satchel vibrates before Mirage crawls out)

Mirage: (notices) What happened?

Mason: (calmly) Ladybird!

Mirage: (nods) Hold on! (goes back into the satchel for a moment and comes out with a phase bit on her head) Got it!

Mason: (smiles) Good girl!

(Mirage puts the phase bit onto Mason's hand then activates)

Mason: (phases through the chains) (turns off phase bit) (stretches before picking up then hugging Mirage) Thanks girl!

Mirage: No sweat! Would you like some company?

Mason: I'd really enjoy it (pets Mirage), but let's collect that chain first!

Mirage: (nods) Okay, after all we never know when it could be recycled or be useful!

Mason: (hugs Mirage) Good girl!

Mirage: (affectionately licks Mason) (giggles before nuzzling him)

Mason: (chuckles) Good girl!

(Mason and Mirage start removing the chain from the tree as the scene changes to the Paw Patroller arriving in the jungle with Katie and Alex along for the ride)

Alex: It's so cool that grandpa let me come pups and Ryder!

Katie: (giggles) He also asked me to help keep an eye on you while Mayor Goodway kindly agreed to watch Cali for me!

Ryder: Nice having you both along for the ride!

(flash of red light a distance away)

Everyone: (surprised) what was that!?

Sound: (bat wings flapping)

Alex: Ooh! I think that's a bat!

(a big bat shaped silhouette flies overhead)

Everyone: (gasps) Giant bat!

(the bat flies toward them before revealing to be Mason with Mirage on his head)

Mason: Hello guys!

Katie: Mason? What's with the bat suit?

Mirage: Ladybird took a meteor piece and the monkey talisman from his satchel after changing him to a tree!

Others: (shocked gasps)

Ryder: She chained you to a tree!?

Mason: (nods) She was interested in the stuff my satchel could provide, but before ambushing me I turned off the magic but a few things were still inside! The two things she took!

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