Everest x Marshall x Sweetie | Lycan Pup Romance Rivals

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where the Princess of Barkingburg is out for a stroll with Sweetie and Marshall and Everest who agreed to come and help out for awhile)

Everest: We're touched you invited us over to help Princess!

Princess of Barkingburg: I'm delighted you both could come visit! Later today the Levitation gem will be on display and my cousin will most likely try taking it!

Marshall: Princess, are you sure having them out of the vault is a good idea?

Princess of Barkingburg: (nods) I respect and understand your concern Marshall!

(the Lycan pup Luna walks toward them sniffing the ground)

Princess of Barkingburg: (trips on Luna) Whoa! (lands on her chest) Oof!

Everest and Marshall: (shocked) Princess! (rushes over to help her up)

Sweetie: Who dares to trip the princess!

Marshall: (notices) Hi Luna!

Sweetie: (shocked) What!? Where's Claw's Ifrit daughter!? (looks around)

Everest: Actually, Marshall was referring to her! (points to the nearby sniffing pup)

Sweetie: What? Her name is Luna too?

Marshall: I think there's three magic pups with that name?

Sweetie: (annoyed) (to Luna) How dare you trip the Princess of Barkingburg!

Luna: (stops sniffing) (notices them) Hi guys! What are you doing here?

Everest: (calmly) Any reason you tripped the princess?

Luna: What!? (notices the princess) Oops! (embarrassed) Sorry princess, I wasn't looking, I was busy sniffing for something important!

Princess of Barkingburg: (giggles) It's okay, at least I know it wasn't on purpose! (curiously) What are you looking for?

Luna: A pair of cursed Lycan pup amulets!

Everest: (shocked) What!? (gets behind Marshall)

Marshall: Still remember what happened the last time you had one on?

Everest: (nods) I was thinking like a wild animal and only had minor control of myself!

Princess of Barkingburg: Please explain?

Luna: An elemental brawler friend of Mason's made them and thought it would be interesting to have a pair of wild Lycan pups on the loose!

Princess of Barkingburg: (surprised) My word!

Luna: But he had second thoughts and asked if I could find them!

Princess of Barkingburg: Aren't you concerned about putting them on?

Luna: Nope! I just have to keep them off my neck and nothing will happen!

Sweetie: (eye rolls)

Luna: Also it's possible that strong will power can overwhelm the curse or maybe temporarily?

Princess of Barkingburg: Very interesting!

Luna: Well I'm off! But this time I'll sniff and look! (walks away still sniffing the ground) Where are they?

Princess of Barkingburg: Good luck Luna!

Sweetie: Princess, she still tripped you!

Princess of Barkingburg: It wasn't on purpose, she just wasn't looking where she was going!

Sweetie: (scoffs) Whatever!

(the foursome resume their walk not even noticing the disguised Duke of Flappington nearby)

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