Rocky x Gasket/Ginger vs Gasket | Ginger's Trouble with Gasket

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(scene opens to show Rocky waking up as he hears a motorcycle engine outside his pup house)

Rocky: (yawns) Who's on a motorcycle at this hour?

Female voice: Hi handsome!

Rocky: (recognizes voice) (looks over finding Ginger sitting in front of him) Ginger?

Ginger: (giggles) Good seeing you again handsome!

Rocky: (surprised) What are you doing here? (blushes) Not that it's bad seeing you, I mean!

Ginger: (giggles) I'm happy seeing you too! Thought I'd come by for a visit?

Gasket: (spying on the twosome) I'd say I should cause some wheel trouble for their romance! (secretly smiles) (paw over her heart) I'm glad that I'm also with him!

Rocky: (notices) (surprised) Gasket!?!

Gasket: (realizes) Oops!

Other pups: (tiredly) Gasket?

Rocky: (confusedly looks back and forth at Ginger and Gasket) (very confused) Um?

Ginger: (whispers to Rocky) She's a duplicate of me so it appears we're two separate pups! I asked Mirage for a hand in doing this!

Gasket: (secretly winks to the twosome)

Chase: (rushes over) (surprised) Gasket! What are you doing here?

Gasket: Oh boy, I wheely did it this time! (jumps onto her motorcycle and rides off) You haven't seen the last of me today! (rides off)

Chase: Hey!

(the other pups rush over)

Pups: (confused) (tiredly) Chase?

Chase: Gasket was here! (notices Ginger) Hi Ginger, when did you get here?

Ginger: (waves) Hi Chase! I came a few minutes before Rocky woke up! (shyly) Sorry about my motorcycle waking you up handsome!

Rocky: (blushes) (smiles) I'm kinda happy to see you again! Plus it didn't bother me that much!

Ginger: (nuzzles Rocky) I'm happy to see you too!

Others: (in awe) Aww, that's so sweet!

Ginger: (shyly) So Rocky, I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go on a date today? (blushes) I understand if you're busy!

Rocky: (places his paw on Ginger's paw) I'm more than happy to spend time with you!

Ginger: I forget, did we ever make this an official girlfriend and boyfriend thing?

Rocky: (unsure) Maybe?

Ginger: (shrugs) (pulls Rocky toward her and passionately kisses him)

Skye: (giggles) She sure loves you Rocky!

Rocky: (pets Ginger's cheek) And I love her!

Ginger: (giggles) Again?

Rocky: (smiles and nods) Again!

(Ginger and Rocky passionately kiss on the lips again)

Chase and Marshall: (sighs) (quietly to self) I wish I had the confidence of Rocky to do something like that for the pup I love!

Skye: (playfully) Pup you love, eh?

Marshall and Chase: (blushes) I didn't say anything!

Ginger: (giggles) Mirage already told me she read your minds so I know exactly which two separate pups you both have feelings for!

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