Gasket & Katie | Katie's Inflation on Ryder's Birthday

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(scene opens to Katie and Gasket working together in the pet parlor while Cali sleeps nearby)

Katie: Boy, it sure has been kinda busy this morning!

Gasket: (nods) Yep!

Katie: I wonder why everyone is getting their pets ready?

Gasket: (shrugs) I'm not sure either!

Sound: (roars)

Katie and Gasket: (surprised) What was that?

Wildmutt: (enters the pet parlor)

Katie and Gasket: (screams) Monster!

Mirage: (walks around Wildmutt) Hi girls!

Wildmutt: (reverts back into Mason)

Mason: Hi guys!

Gasket and Katie: (relieved) Oh, thank goodness it's just you too!

Mason: We were just having a little fun! So you guys are getting ready for Ryder's birthday later?

Katie: (eyes widen) (shocked) Ryder's birthday! (checks calendar) (gasps) It is today!

Gasket: Oopsie! Looks like we both forgot!

Katie: I forgot to get him a present!

Gasket: Any ideas what he'd like?

Katie: Hm?

Mason: Photo of you guys and the pups together?

Katie: Hm? That actually sounds like a nice idea Mason!

Mirage: (pulls a custom frame out of her fur and a perfect photo) Will these do?

Katie: (notices) (touched) Thanks Mirage!

Mirage: (giggles) No problem Katie! Also why didn't you use your genie magic?

Katie: (blushes) I was busy and forgot!

Mirage: (pats Katie giving her a blessing) Just a little blessing for boosted power!

Sound: (thud)

Gasket and Katie: What was that?

Mason: (looks outside) Looks like the elemental brawlers placed oxygen tanks outside!

Katie: (notices several dozen oxygen tanks outside her pet parlor) (surprised) My word!

Mason: Either this was a joke or something else?

Katie: What can I even do with oxygen tanks?

Gasket: Wait for me Katie! (crashes into Katie)

Katie: (falls forward) (surprised) Whoa! (lands on a pump connected to the oxygen tanks)

Gasket: Katie, I'm so sorry!

(an acorn falls onto the pump activating it)

Group: Uh oh!

(the oxygen starts inflating Katie like a balloon)

Katie: (muffled) Help me

Gasket: Hang on Katie! (unable to pull the hose out) Uh oh!

Mason: (grabs the hose) Allow me! (pulls it out of Katie's mouth)

Gasket: Thanks Mason!

Katie: (coughs) Thanks Mason!

Mirage: (looks at the oxygen tanks they're all empty!

Katie: (notices herself) (surprised) My word! I'm as big as my pet parlor!

Gasket: (giggles) I can see your belly button! (curiously) How come that innie didn't become an outie?

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