Katie & Gasket | Species Switcheroo

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(scene opens to Katie in her pet parlor using her genie powers to a little tidying up and heavy lifting in the afternoon)

Katie: I must admit, this is quite enjoyable!

Sound: (motorcycle)

Katie: (surprised) I wonder who that could be at this hour?

Gasket's voice: Is anyone here?

Katie: (surprised) Gasket?

Gasket: (slowly enters) Hello?

Katie: Hi Gasket, what are you doing?

Gasket: I wanted to ask if it'd be okay if I could have a bath, please?

Katie: Sure girl, (curiously) trying to avoid being seen?

Gasket: (nods) I'm not exactly a welcomed pup around here!

Katie: (nods) True, but you're still good buddies with Mirage's family and some of the other magic pups plus Mason!

Gasket: True, but you know the mayor isn't a fan of us when we do wheel trouble! (sniffs) Why can I smell a lizard?

Katie: (confused) Lizard? I didn't help any lizards around here?

Sound: (growling)

(a cherufe leaps down from behind Gasket)

Gasket and Katie: (screams) What is that thing!?

Cherufe: (snarls as it enters)

Katie: (holding Cali and Gasket) (scared) Don't hurt us!

Cherufe: (growls) (walks closers)

Gasket: (slips free of Katie and kicks a bowl at the cherufe) Eat this!

Cherufe: (growls) (trips on the bowl and lands on its chest) (two voices) Oof!

Gasket: Wait a second! (grabs the head of the cherufe)

Katie: (shocked) Gasket, what are you doing?

Gasket: Unmasking them!

Katie: (confused) Them?

Gasket: (rips the head off revealing Mirage on Mason who is in a komodo dragon suit)

Katie: (surprised) Mason, Mirage, what are you doing?

Mason: We were just having fun doing a little scary trip!

Gasket: (sniffs) Why does this costume smell like skin?

Mason: That's real shed cherufe skin!

Gasket: (gags) Yuck!

Katie: (confused) Cherufe skin?

(Mirage climbs off Mason's head)

Mirage: Yep! (uses her magic to effortlessly fix the cherufe skin) All fixed!

Mason: (takes off the fixed cherufe skin and puts it into his satchel) (deactivates his suit) All gone!

Katie: Phew! I thought you were a real lizard man, you two!

Mason: Thanks, we were hoping it was convincing for a little joke in the future!

Katie: (concerned) For who?

Mason and Mirage: Mayor Humdinger!

Katie: If you got me that good, I bet you scare him really good!

Gasket: I kinda wish I could get a break and find a way to trick the rest of the Ruff-Ruff Pack!

Mirage: Even Sandy?

Gasket: (shakes head) Not her, plus she's outta town on lawyer trip after all!

Katie: Say Gasket, I might have an idea for us to trick you teammates?

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