Mirage x Liberty | Liberty's Moment in the Parade

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(scene opens to City Hall where Mayor Goodway is talking to Ryder about preparations of the annual Adventure Bay parade)

Mayor Goodway: Oh boy, this is going to be so exciting!

Ryder: (chuckles) Yeah! Everyone is going to love the Adventure Bay parade!

Mayor Goodway: I know everyone will love it!

Sound: (thud)

Mason, Mirage, and Melody's voices: Oof!

(Mayor Goodway and Ryder look over to find Mason in a tiger suit while Melody is on his back while Mirage is on her mom's back)

Ryder: Mason, where'd you guys come from?

Mason: (rubs head) All three of us were just napping in that tree until we slipped!

Melody: Mason lost his balance and fell so we both followed!

Female voice: Hi guys!

(the group looks over finding Liberty)

Ryder: Liberty, what are you doing here?

Liberty: (shrugs) I was kinda eager to take part in the Adventure Bay parade, if that's okay?

Mayor Goodway: We'd be happy too!

Mirage: (gets catapults off Melody) Incoming!

Ryder: (surprised) What was that for Liberty?

Melody: My daughter was just gonna use her magic to inflate me!

Liberty and Mirage: (crash into each other) Ooh! (which result in them kissing) (blushes)

Mayor Goodway: (blushes) Talk about something unexpected!

Ryder: Yep!

Melody: (concerned) You okay, Mirage?

Mirage: (nods) I'm okay mom!

Liberty: Me too! But something feels off? (her body inflates) (surprised) Whoa!

Mirage: (blushes) Sorry Liberty, that inflation was meant for a joke to my mom!

Melody: I read your mind to counter your prank!

Mirage: More like redirect it mom! (looks at Liberty and blushes) Sorry Liberty, I'll just deflate you!

Liberty: Thanks, but I kinda like this!

Mirage: So you wanna stay inflated?

Liberty: Maybe later, (chuckles) I could be an inflated pup for the parade!

Mayor Goodway: that sounds like an interesting idea, girls!

Mirage: It sure... (gets kissed on the lips by Liberty) (eyes widen and blushes)

Melody: Something tells me that someone liked it!

Mirage: (embrace Liberty's kiss and gently pulls her closer)

Liberty: (stops kiss and nuzzles Mirage) I think I love you girl!

Mirage: (chuckles) I feel the same way about you! (kisses Liberty)

Mayor Goodway: Aww, that's so sweet! (looks at Mason) Say Mason?

Mason: Yes? (deactivates his tiger suit)

Mayor Goodway: Could you assist me with something?

Mason: What do you need?

Mayor Goodway: I just have a feeling that Mayor Humdinger might try to ruin the parade!

Mason: How come?

Mayor Goodway: Well you know how competitive he is!

Mason: (nods) Are there any concerns about any others?

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