Tracker x Sweetie | A Royal & Rescuer Romance

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(scene opens to City Hall with where Ryder, Marshall, Tracker, and Rubble arrive to unexpectedly find Mayor Goodway's head stuck in Mirage's mouth)

Mayor Goodway: (muffled) Thank goodness you're here Paw Patrol, after Mirage stumbled it resulted in Chickaletta and myself getting stuck in her!

Ryder: Wait, Chickaletta is in there too?

Sound: (muffled clucks)

Tracker: Si!

Mayor Goodway: (sniffs) (muffled) Also some smells like someone could use a little mouthwash!

Mirage: (muffled) (offended) (puts paws on hips) Hey!

Mayor Goodway: (muffled) Nothing personal Mirage!

Mirage: (sighs)

Tracker: Someone wrong amiga?

Mirage: (muffled) I should've gone with Mason and mom!

Rubble: (confused) What did Mirage say?

Tracker: It was hard to hear, but I think she said that she should've gone with Mason and Melody?

Mirage: (nods)

Ryder: Where are they?

Mirage: (points upward revealing the Silver Manta Ray now arriving)

Others: (gasps)

(the Silver Manta Ray lands nearby before Mason exits while helping the Princess of Barkingburg exit while Sweetie and Melody come out)

Princess of Barkingburg: (in casual clothes) Hi everyone!

Ryder: Hi princess, what are you and Sweetie doing here?

Princess of Barkingburg: Just wanted to stay in Adventure Bay for a while! (looks over at the situation) (confused) Um? What happened?

Melody: Mirage, what happened?

Mirage: (muffled) I stumbled!

Marshall: (unsure) How are we gonna get Mirage off Mayor Goodway's head?

Tracker: Si amigos!

Melody: She could just unhinge her jaw like a snake!

Mirage: (blushes)

Ryder: (surprised) You can do that?

Mirage: (unhinges her jaw and gets of Mayor Goodway's head)

Mayor Goodway: (cheers) Yes! My head isn't stuck in a genie pup's belly! (feels her head) (realizes) Wait, where's my precious chicken?

Mirage: (burps up a few of Chickaletta's feathers)

Mayor Goodway: Mommy's coming Chickaletta!

(scene changes to Mayor Goodway's upper body sticking out of Mirage's mouth)

Tracker: Uh is she okay?

Princess of Barkingburg: My word!

Melody: She could've just waited until Mirage could've simply released Chickaletta!

Ryder: (nods) Fair point!

Liberty: (arrives) Hi guys! (notices Mayor Goodway) (confused) Did I miss something?

Mirage: (pushes the rest of Mayor Goodway into her belly)

Mayor Goodway's voice: (surprised) Whoa!

Rubble: Gah! She just ate Mayor Goodway!

Mirage: (eye rolls) How come everyone but Mason forget that our stomachs double for storage?

Mayor Goodway's voice: (happily) Chickaletta!

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