Mirage x Liberty | Liberty's Mer-pup Time

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(scene opens to Liberty and Mirage walking over to Katie's upgraded pet parlor where both are eager for a bath)

Mirage: Today feels like a perfect day for a bath, right girlfriend?

Liberty: You bet my dear Mirage!

Rocky's voice: (pleading) I don't wanna bath! I beg you!

Liberty: (confused) Huh? (looks over finding Mason in a black bear suit with Ginger on his shoulder while restraining Rocky with his black bear claws)

Rocky: (pleading) I beg you, I don't wanna bath! I already had one last month!

Ginger: Exactly! Which is why I asked Mason to help me get you here for a bath!

Rocky: (begging) Ginger, I beg you! Don't make me take a bath, I don't wanna get wet!

Ginger: Too bad, you're getting a bath!

Liberty: (giggles) Really Rocky?

Rocky: You know I don't like getting wet!

Ginger: Nice to see you Liberty! You too Mirage, for the second time today!

Liberty: (confused) Second?

Mirage: I met up with Ginger before I met up with you Liberty!

Liberty: (shrugs) Okay!

(the group enters the pet parlor)

Katie: Hi everyone! (confusedly looks at Mason) Mason, what's with the black bear suit?

Ginger: He wanted something strong to hold onto Rocky, since I asked for his help getting Rocky into a bath!

Rocky: I beg you guys, I don't wanna get wet!

Ginger: Why not hypnotize him, Mason so he won't know what's going on?

Mason: Nope!

Ginger: (confused) Why not?

Mason: Hex borrowed my pocket watch!

Ginger: Why did she borrow your pocket watch for hypnosis?

Mason: She wanted to have a little fun with it for a while!

Ginger: (shrugs) Okay!

Katie: Come on Rocky, you can go first!

Rocky: No! Please I don't wanna get wet! (struggles to escape the grasp of Mason's bear claws)

Mason: Hm? (deactivates black bear powers) I might know a trick that'll help!

Rocky: No way you can- (Mason secretly uses the hephaestan neuro grip on Rocky) Eep! (falls limp)

Others but Mirage: (shocked gasps) Rocky!?

Rocky: I can't move!

Mason: It's temporary!

Katie: What did you do to Rocky, Mason?

Mason: I trick that I picked up from my travels to subdue creatures, very useful in taking down dangerous creatures if used properly!

Liberty: Well you sure got Rocky!

Ginger: Looks like I'll have to join him to make sure his head stays above water!

(scene changes to Ginger and Rocky sharing the same bath while Liberty and Mirage are in two separate baths)

Liberty: (comfortable sighs) This feels so relaxing!

Mirage: (giggles) Yep! (lays back before revealing to have a mer-pup tail instead of back legs)

Liberty: (gasps) Mirage, you have a fish tail!

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