Chase x Gasket | Back to Pups Make a Splash

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(scene opens to the Moto Pups and Wild chasing the Ruff-Ruff Pack who had just stolen the Sands of Time from the Adventure Bay Museum)

Wild: Ryder, how did those three get that time traveling object from Mason?

Ryder: (sighs) Mayor Goodway begged and pleaded to Mason until he loaned her the Sands of Time since she was getting on his nerves!

Wild: Boy, she must've wanted to put it on display!

Chase: I have to side with Mason about not liking the idea of putting a magical time traveling hourglass on display!

Ryder: Agreed!

Wild: Why do you guys think the Ruff-Ruff Pack took it anyway?

Ryder: I'm not sure, but I know it might not be good!

Skye: (nods) Yeah!

(scene changes to the Ruff-Ruff Pack's hideout)

Hubcap: (struggling to get the Sands of Time to work) (annoyed) Why won't this hourglass let us travel through time!

Dwayne: I'm not sure Hubcap, maybe we should ask nicely?

Hubcap: That won't work or maybe it might?

Dwayne: Hourglass, please let us travel through time!

Gasket: (sighs)

Hubcap: Come on you pesky hourglass, work already!

Dwayne: Please work hourglass!

Gasket: (sighs and shakes head) (in head) Why'd I ever stay with these two, instead of siding with that handsome pup Chase!

Hubcap: Work you annoying hourglass!

Dwayne: Please work, we wanna check out the future!

Hubcap: What Dwayne said!

Gasket: (in mind) Even I remember from what Mason said it has to be called Sands of Time for its magic to work!

Sound: (barking)

(Ryder, his pups, and Wild arrive)

Chase: We've caught you now Ruff-Ruff Pack!

Hubcap: (surprised) How'd you find us!

Chase: We followed your trail!

Hubcap: You're just lucky we can't get this annoying hourglass to work!

Wild: Did they forget what its name is?

Ryder: I think we should keep that to ourselves, Wild!

Wild: (nods) Good point Ryder!

Other pups: Yep!

Chase: Okay you guys, time to give back that hourglass!

Hubcap: Fine! We couldn't get it to work anyway! (kicks over the Sands of Time)

Chase: Thanks for returning it! (puts his paw on it)

Gasket: (puts her paw on it) (grins)

Chase: (confused) Gasket, what are you doing?

Gasket: This! Sands of Time!

(Gasket, Chase, and the Sands of Time glows before all three vanish)

Hubcap: What!? Gasket knew how to make that hourglass work this whole time, why didn't she tell us!

Skye: (gasps) Ryder! Gasket used the Sands of Time to send herself and Chase to a different time!

Ryder: (concerned) I know, but we have no idea where they even went!?

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