Mirage x Liberty | Staying or Returning

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Liberty is having fun with the rest of her pup pals)

Liberty: (looks around) Say, where's Mirage?

Skye: (looks around) (unsure) I'm not sure, Liberty, but I think she might be very close!

Chase: Why do you think she's close, Skye?

Skye: (giggles) This!

Sound: (zipping)

(a Skye suit falls onto the ground revealing Mirage and Skye were both inside)

Skye and Mirage: Tada! (giggles)

Pups: Whoa!

(the Skye suit magically vanishes)

Liberty: Wow! How did you girls do that so easily!?

Skye: Before everyone woke up, Mirage suggested this after she woke me up!

Chase: So that's why you were up before me!

Liberty: (chuckles then sighs)

Marshall: (concerned) Something wrong, Liberty?

Liberty: Well I was just having so much fun, I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay here in Adventure Bay with you pups and the pup I love (looks at Mirage) or go back to Adventure City!

Skye: I can understand how that's a very tough choice!

Mirage: I respect any choice you make my love!

Liberty: (smiles) Thanks Mirage, I'm lucky to be dating a special pup like you!

Mirage: (giggles) I feel the same way about you!

Other pups: (in awe) Aww, that's so sweet!

Ryder's voice: Paw Patrol to the Lookout!

Pups: (shouts) Ryder, needs us!

Liberty: I guess I can stick around for one more rescue!

(the other pups smile upon hearing that)

(the pups rush into the elevator)

Liberty: (looks around) Where's Marshall?

Marshall: (comes tumbling toward Mirage) Lookout Mirage!

Mirage and Marshall: (crashes) Oof! (both tumble into the elevator)

(the elevator goes up before six pups line up in front of Ryder as Mirage joins them by sitting beside Marshall)

Chase: Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir!

Ryder: Did Liberty already leave?

Pups: (confused) Huh? (looks around) Where'd Liberty go?

(pup-pad ringing)

Ryder: I wonder who this is? (answered) (surprised) Liberty!?

Liberty: Ryder, pups, I have no idea where I am after Marshall crashed into Mirage she landed on me but for some reason I'm in a first of tall white grass!

(Ryder shows them on the big screen)

Chase: Ryder sir, what was the problem?

Ryder: Oh that, Chickalettta's stuck on City Hall again!

Pups: Oh boy!

Skye: Liberty, any idea where you're at?

Liberty: I have no idea pups, please help me outta here?

(Mirage scratches herself while the location Liberty's in starts shaking)

Liberty: (shouts) Earthquake!

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