Marshall x Everest | Everest's Inflation during Skye's Birthday

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Marshall is in his genie pup outfit with a blessing he acquired from Mirage)

Marshall: (juggling a dozen beach balls)

Skye: (giggles) Nice one Marshall!

Chase: It sure is!

Rocky: For sure!

Zuma: Nice one dude!

Rubble: What Zuma said! (chuckles)

Sound: (vehicle arriving)

Skye: (curiously) I wonder who that could be?

(Everest and Mirage walk over together)

Everest: Hi guys!

Pups: Everest, Mirage!

Mirage: It's great seeing you guys again!

Everest: (giggles) Definitely!

Skye: It's so great seeing you guys again!

Everest: So what's happening pups?

Zuma: Just Marshall juggling inflated beach balls while wearing his impressive genie pup outfit!

Everest: (notices his outfit) It sure is impressive! (quietly to Mirage) I wonder if Skye remembers we've seen him in it before?

Mirage: (shrugs) (quietly) Maybe!

Chase: Did you two say something?

Mirage: Oh just having a small chat about something!

Everest: Yep!

Chase: Okay!

Marshall: Hi Everest, it's great seeing you! (stumbles and falls back accidentally launching the beach balls at her) Uh oh! Lookout Everest!

Everest: (surprised gasps) (knocked offscreen by all the beach balls)

Marshall: (worried) Everest! (rushes over to her)

Everest's voice: (muffled) I'm okay!

(the pups look back finding the beach ball valves stuck in Everest's mouth)

Skye: I didn't expect that to happen?

Others: (nods) Yep!

Marshall: (concerned) Everest, are you okay?

Everest: (nods) (muffled) I'm okay!

Marshall: Let's get those outta your mouth!

Everest: (muffled) Okay!

(Mirage pats Everest on the back secretly giving her a blessing)

(Marshall unknowingly unplugs all the valves deflating the air of the beach balls which then enter Everest's body causing her to inflate)

(several minutes later)

Marshall: (steps back from an inflated Everest while the deflated beach balls lie on the ground) (gasps) Everest, I'm so sorry!

Everest: (giggles) (smiles) I know it was a total accident!

Marshall: (sighs) Me and my clumsiness!

Everest: There is nothing wrong with your clumsiness Marshall, it's what makes you special!

Marshall: (surprised) It does?

Everest: (nods) Even with your clumsiness I guess it's one of the reasons I really like you!

Marshall: You really like me, Everest?

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