Coral x Zuma | Coral Visits Builder Cove

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(scene opens to Puplantis where Coral is going out for a peaceful swim by herself before looking toward the surface)

Coral: (sighs) (puts her paws over her heart) I wish you could love me?

Moby: (swims over) Coral, who are you talking to?

Coral: (surprised) Gah! Moby, when did you get here!?

Moby: I just arrived and overheard you talk about someone loving you?

Coral: (blushing) No I wasn't!

Moby: Hm? Just so I know, are you talking about me or a different pup?

Coral: (blushing) If you must know Moby, he's a different pup!

Moby: (shrugs) Meh! Just wondering?

(McSquidly swims over)

Moby: Come along McSquidly!

(McSquidly and Moby swim off leaving Coral by herself)

Coral: (sighs) (to self) At least I didn't say it was Zuma!

(Hex swims past)

Coral: Oh Hex, what are you doing here?

Hex: Just out for a swim! (playfully) Very sweet you have a crush on Zuma!

Coral: (blushes) Who told you that!? I mean, I don't have a crush on Zuma!

Hex: I can read minds, remember?

Coral: (sighs) Okay, I do have a crush on him!

Hex: Why don't you go spend time with him?

Coral: Well I have to watch Puplantis, what if Moby does something that causes trouble!

Moby: (snickers) Sounds like a good idea! (grabbed by Hex) Hey!?

(Hex pulls Moby to the surface before Coral and McSquidly follow them)

Moby: (surprised) What are you doing, Hex?

Hex: This! (has Moby lower his diving helmet before passionately kissing him on the lips)

Moby: (eyes widen) (melts into her kiss) (blushes)

Hex: How about instead of causing trouble, we go out instead?

Moby: I guess that would be nice?

Hex: (winks to Coral as she swims off with Moby and McSquidly)

Coral: (smiles) Very sweet of her to keep Moby out of trouble! (has an idea) I'll just tell the other Mer-pups that I'll be visiting my friends! (dives underwater)

(scene changes to Coral back on the surface)

Coral: I'll see you later my mer-friends! Hm? My seahorse sub is with the Paw Patrol, (unsure) so how can I get there with a fish tail?

(a bird-shaped shadow appears overheard)

Coral: (looks up) Oh! Please be Mason with pelican powers? (shouts to the figure above) Mason, if it's you in a pelican suit, could I please have a lift to the Lookout, please?

(the figure swiftly dives down toward Coral)

Coral: (gasps) That's not Mason! (swiftly caught in the pelican's gular pouch without a chance to flee) Eep! Help! I don't wanna be pelican food!

Mason's voice: Coral!

(the beak opens let Coral see outside)

Coral: (embarrassed upon seeing who had her) Mason, it was you! (blushes) Sorry about the mix up!

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