Chapter 23: First Heist-The Jewelry Store

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    It was time. Time to do the heist. We were reviewing the plan one more time before we headed out to Algonquin to rob the jewelry store. Octavia setted up her laptop on the desk and started her hacking software on it.

  "Ok, I'm in. Go ahead and head there, but don't draw any attention to yourselves." Octavia says as she sits down.

   Loona, Beverly, Packie, and I placed our masks over our heads and walked out of the apartment to the white colored van that we were able to steal earlier for the heist since we can't use my Mercedes or it will track us if the cops find out afterwards. We all got in and headed to Star Junction in Algonquin.

   I was really nervous and having cold feet about it already when we headed to the bridge. I had never done a robbery before in my life except for committing a murder to my former boss a couple days ago, but this is different.

   Stealing millions worth of expensive real jewelry from a store just to save my friends and keep me and Loona from getting killed by the Spades. Besides, I'm starting to see why being good is not a great thing anymore in the cruel world I'm living in. That others like to hurt others to make themselves feel better.

   The seven deadly sins that corrupts every human, anthro, demon, anyone that has the gift of free will.

   I never knew my real parents during the war with the SDF military from Mars. I never had friends in my childhood. Dasha changed after growing up and doesn't know where she is now.

    My godmother Natalya is fighting terrorism in Russia and may not see her again. And breaking up with Velvela and she is rotting in prison for the rest of her young life. Life is cruel and I'm alone in it with Loona since we have something in common. Retaliation against the cruel society.

Loona noticed that I was quiet and a little down and was a little worried.

"Having second thoughts?" Loona asked.

"A little, but I'm noting turning back on this. I lost enough already and our life is on the line on the weed deal that we can't do without the money we need. And Fox and Falco are my best friends and they don't deserve to be killed later after the end of the two month deadline. Even they are stupid for getting me involved with the mafia in the first place. They did help me have a life here in this city." I explained.

"Kid, Everyone has a horrible time in their life from time to time. I lost some of my brothers, and my sister a long time ago. And I'm still standing today." Packie says as he loaded his rifle.

"Yeah. I was raised in an orphanage all my childhood life and was bullied till I was old enough to have my own life against the world." Beverly added.

  They were right, life is cruel to everyone. That's how it is. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and parked the van in front of the store.

"Octavia, We reached the store. Go ahead and start hacking the cameras and the security system." Loona said through the radio.

"On it." Octavia says as she started typing on her computer and got to work.

  "Ok. The cameras and alarm system are offline. You have five minutes to get what you can from the store. Go now!!!" She shouted from the radio.

The four of us walked out of the van and ran into the store with our loaded rifles.

"Everyone on the floor!!!" I shouted as I pointed my rifle at everyone.

  The customers and the employee laid on the floor.

"I got crowd control!" Packie shouted.

  Loona and Beverly started bashing open some display cases and took what they could and placed them in their duffle bags. I started bashing the display cases that are in the center of the store to get the most expensive jewelry. I tried to stay calm as I grabbed some necklaces, rings, watches, as fast as I could.

Loona dropped a few rings as she headed to the next display case to bash open.

"Pay attention!" Beverly shouted as she picked up the dropped jewelry. 

"Two minutes left!" Octavia shouted through the radio.

  I bashed the last center case and took the remaining expensive jewelry and helped Loona and Beverly take the remaining display classes from the back of the store.

"Hurry!" I shouted as I bashed, opened the display case and took the last necklaces.

"We cleaned them out!" Loona shouted as she ran out the door.

   Beverly and I followed her to the van, and Packie ran out last and jumped in the back before closing the doors. I floored the gas pedal and burned rubber down Junction as I bashed a few cars out of the way hoping we made a clean getaway. But unfortunately. Cops were behind us, even the NOOSE team was after us.

  Loona rolled down her window and started firing her rifle at them. She killed a few drivers and made them crash, but more started coming behind us. Even a Helicopter was having us. I ran out the main road and drove down the subway stairs and crashed through a few stations and gates till I started driving us down the subway tracks.

"Train!" Loona shouted as she pointed.

I saw it coming directly towards us and I swerved left on time to avoid getting hit by it.

   Just then, one of the tires blew and crashed into the wall. I felt the airbag go off on my face. We all moaned in pain and out as we tried to take  the maintenance hallway back to the surface.

"I think we're good." I said as we went up the steps.

"We can't make it back to Bohan on foot. They will lock Algonquin down to find us." Loona reminded me.

  "We have a getaway vehicle waiting for us and we are close to it already." I said as I opened the door back to the surface.

"How did you know we are?" Beverly asked.

"Because you guys are close to the bridge back to Bohan and I suggested to him we place a getaway vehicle there. It's a red sedan." Octavia explains through the radio.

  We ditched the masks to avoid suspicion and luckily there weren't many cops or anyone around where we were and took the getaway car back to Bohan to count up the take of the heist.

Heist passed.

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