Chapter 36: Reunion

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   As the plane finally touches down onto the land-strip, Dasha and Nika are finally woken up by the thump of the plane touching the ground.

"Looks like we are here." Nika says as she started yawning.

"Yeah. What a long flight." Dasha says as she stretches a little.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Liberty City, please wait for the plane to come to a complete stop before getting out of your seats. Thank you for choosing Liberty flight." The captain announces from the intercom.

  The two waited as everyone started to walk out of the plane to the terminal. Nika couldn't stop yawning as she heavily slept during the long flight.

"Are you still tired?" Dasha asked.

"No. I just have jet-lag." Nika says as she follows her to the baggage claim.

"Now, I wonder where our luggage is." Dasha says as she searches around for their baggage.

"Found mine." Nika says as she picks up her trunk.

  Dasha looked around and found her suitcase in the back of the area and followed Nika to the front entrance of the terminal to wait for a Taxi.

"What hotel are we going to again?" Nika asked.

"The holiday Inn at the middle of Star Junction of Algonquin. Good thing I made those reservations early since we couldn't have a room there." Dasha says as she signals a taxi to stop.

"Yeah. Are you sure two months is long enough to stay here? Stan could be anywhere in this city especially if all the bridges are opened after the terrorist scare fully died down." Nika asked with doubt.

"I have to or my mom is going to kill me. I have to keep lying to my mom that Stan lives in his own apartment and works long hours at his job. She didn't even know about me living in Vice city and lied about my phone number being changed. I'm in a tangled web of lies and I can't keep up on that." Dasha says as she feels stressed.

"Ok, ok relax. Maybe his old friends could help us. You remember Fox and Falco right?" Nika asked.

"Those dimwits? Yeah, but I couldn't find them either before I got evicted from the apartment." Dasha says.

"Then, I can make them talk to find your little brother." Nika says with a smirk.

"Fine with me." Dasha agrees.

  They signaled a taxi to stop and they loaded their luggage into the trunk and got into the backseat.

"Where to, ladies?" The human driver asked.

"The holiday inn at Star Junction." Dasha answers.

"I'll get you there." He says as he starts driving them to Algonquin.

  Dasha was in deep thought as he thought of hoping to find me and take me back to Vice City with them to keep the family together and Natalya won't find out about the situation while she is away in Russia.

  As they made it to the hotel, Nika paid for the fare and Dasha grabbed the luggage and headed inside to check in.

They received their keycards and headed to their room.

"Finally." Nika says as she lays down on one of the beds.

"Yeah. I'm tired and hungry as well." Dasha says as she takes her boots and socks off.

"Pizza?" Nika asked as she got on her phone.

"Yeah. Why not? Some soda will be good as well." Dasha agrees as she turns on the TV.

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