Chapter 3: The deal.

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The next day was a morning routine, I got up, showered, got dressed and went to get breakfast and make run out the door, and Natalya stops me since she wants a kiss before I leave for school. Velvela waits for me and I get in and we had school and now Velvela needed help with something.

As I was getting things from my locker, Velvela went behind me for a hug.

"Guess who?" Velvela asked

"A giant beautiful turquoise wolf behind me?" I asked.

"You are such a nerd. Hey um, I need your help with something."

"Is Wolf giving you trouble?" I asked.

"No, there is a deal I'm going to make deal with a gang called the Demon gang. Pure rivals to the Wolf gang. I have a lot of guns in my car to trade with them and I can make some money and keep Wolf and his friends off our backs."

"Just don't get me in trouble." I spoke.

"Don't worry." Velvela says as she gave a kiss on the lips.

I became silent since that was my first kiss ever. We drove to the Dukes District of the island where there was a hideout where the Demon gang is. I didn't like the looks of it since a few demons gave me creepy looks and evil smiles. I looked away fast and looked forward. Just then, Velvela placed a pistol on my lap that I jumped in fear.

"You will need that piece just in case." Velvela says.

"In case of what?" I asked.

"In case of the deal goes wrong because the gang leaders can be unpredictable." Velvela explains as she stopped at the gate.

A couple of huge male hellhounds went to our windows and Velvela rolled hers down.

"What's your business here?" The Hellhound asks.

"I have some guns for you guys to trade for your leaders." Velvela says.

     The hellhound spoke though his walkie talkie and then the gate opens for us to drive through. Velvela parked the car and went out while I hesitated and wanted to stay in the car until she pulled me out and walked inside the Apartment building. I didn't like the attention that we were given until we came into the office of where the leaders of the Demon Gang.



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Angel Dust



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"Well, if it isn't my good friend Velvela and looks like you finally have someone." Angel Dust says.

"Hey Angel. I got the guns you wanted." Velvela says.

"Awesome! So, I'll give you $2000 for them." Angel says.

"I want $3000. Some of those guns were hard to find." Velvela says.

"Hey, it's the inflation around here honey. I could give you $3000 but I need your worth." Angel Dust says as he gave me a smirk.

"Then please. I have him helping out.

"You let some kid help you with this?" Cherri asked.

"He's only a year younger than me. Come on, help me out here" Velvela says.

Angel and Cherri looked at each other and have a suggestion.

"I'll tell you what, our friend Niffy has been taken by The Wolf gang during our shootout last week. I need you to bring her back here safely and I'll give you $3,500. Do we have a deal?" Angel asked.

"Yeah sure." Velvela says

"Wait what?" I asked with concern.

"Stan, please. I need this badly." Velvela asked as she pulled me closer to her.

     I couldn't say no to her, and I felt like I'm going to get shot today but what choice do I have?

"Ok, ok." I answered.

We drove back to industrial area in Broker, and I have only a pistol and my dragon knife as protection.

     Velvela floored the gas pedal and bashed through the gate, and we started firing at a few gang members. Many fired back and Velvela pulled me behind some cover while she reloads her gun.

She started firing back and took down a few and she pulled me to another spot, I was nervous of firing a gun but an anthro was about to shoot at us that I jolted and fired the gang members' head off. I froze when I just killed someone for the first time. Velvela smacked me in the back of the head to get me back to my senses.

"Stan! Snap out of it! Come on!" She shouted as we ran inside the abandoned factory.

A few gang members jumped out and tackled Velvela to the floor. I pulled out my dragon knife and stabbed them to free Velvela we kept going and saw Nifty tied up into the office and I hurried and untied her.



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I noticed she was beaten and malnourished. I carried her out while Velvela lead us out and we hurried back in the car and drove off fast back to the Duke District where Angel Dust and Cherri are waiting for us. I carried Nifty inside and a hellhound and took her to a room for her to recover.

"Those sick Wolves...Wolf and his friends should pay for this." Cherri says.

"Thanks Velvela, here is your pay." Angel says as she gave her the cash."

"The guns are in the trunk of my car." Velvela says as she opens it while a few demons started taking them.

"You know Velvela, I think that human kid is the right one to work for us." Cherri says.

"Well, He is, but understand that he is new to this. He killed someone for the first time."

"Well make him stronger and we can be able to take care of the wolf gang once and for all. He has a killer instinct inside him."

"Ok. I'll make Stan into the best fighter."

"Good. Pleasure doing business with you Velvela." Cherri says.

I never killed someone before, and I didn't like it but since I know how bad Wolf is, I felt like I can't get out of this now.

   The Demon Gang has an interest of me working for them and I hope Natalya and Dasha won't find out about this.

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