It's a start

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“Good now open your eyes and sit down in front of your wand.” I watched him sit down. “Know what did I tell you about the circle?”
“You said that no out side spell can harm you in here.”
“That is true but it also helps making spill that you create stronger. Ok now I wont you to feel that warmth that is inside of you and pull it out to your hands. Then hold your hand out to the circle and repeat after me.” he did as he was told “Clausum !”
Nicolas took a beep breath and said “Clausum !” and circle around him closed like a trap door.
“Good now put both of your hands over your wand and reach inside of you again drawing a pound that power forcing it throw your arms down to your hands then out to your wand as you do this keep saying: “From life to life From me to this create a power that is both as one.” he did and I could see his power move and poor into the wand. “What ever you do not brick the connection if you do it will kick you back you must keep your power at a study flow.” I was watching him seeing the power flow. “That’s it. Your doing just find keep it up.”
“Kate you should get ready for diner with Riken.” Said Destin,
“Oh, I almost forgot.” I turned to the wolves “I need you two to keep an eye on him. If anything happens let me know at once.”
“Yes Kate.” They said I then turned to Nicolas
“Keep it up I will be back after dinner.” Destin and I lift the yard.
I made my way up to the room I was using and opened the door. Inside I sow the bed was made and on the bed a white squire box sat on the blanked. I walked over to it and sow a note attached on the lid. I opened and read the note “Pleas where this for dinner there are some people who would like to meet you. Riken” I put the note down and opened the box. Inside was a very nice dark red silk dress. “WOW. This must of cost a lot.” I thought as I laid it out on the bed. I went and took a nice worm shower and then got dressed. The silk was so soft that it felt like it was not even there as I walked. I went down to the dining room and sow several men and women standing around a bar talking that is when I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Riken standing over me.
“Remember to stay calm.”
“Yes sir.” he smiled at me.
“Attention all!” Riken said and everyone stopped talking and turned to me. I sow my father standing in the back of the room talking to a short man with white hair and beard warring a black suite. I started to feel overwhelmed by all there history and started to close my mind to it, but the man that was talking to my father still came in loud and clear.
Time seemed to slow and then stop as I stared at him. He seemed deeply wounded but not physical but spiritual it was like I sow his sole and how painfully wounded it was. This was all new I never seen anything like that before I was not sheer I should be. I had to turn away from his beep green eyes and time seemed to pick up where it stopped. I felt cold like some one dumped a bucked of ice water down my shirt in the middle of winter. I was shaking like crazy.
“Are you all right?” asked Riken as he looked down at me.
“Keep your feelings in check.” I told my self as I tried to stop shaking and looked up at Riken “I’m fine sorry.” he looked side ways at me then just smiled.
“I would like you all to meet Kate she haves just completed her first test and I am pleased to announce that she have received the rank on sorcerer.” He said and the every one clapped at the news.
“This is an outrage!” snapped my father as he throw a napkin on the floor “There is no way she could have achieved that rank there must have been someone giving her help. Or the tester was wrong giving her easy questions.” Snapped my Father as everyone turned to him.
“Are you accusing that the person that tests her was wrong?”
“Yes I am.”
“So you are tell me that I should tell Archbishop Cornwell that he was mistaken or would you like to tell him yourself?” I sow my fathers face turn white and his mouth drop open.
“Cornwell?” he asked in a shaky voice,
“Yes, Magician McMillan. I can arranged an audience for you if you like?” asked Riken my father quickly closed his mouth bowed then left the house with out farther word “Now any other questions?” no one moved “Shale we then precede with dinner.” everyone filed into the dinning hall. Riken held on tit to my shoulder as the others left us alone.
“Remember I don’t wont you to be involved with your father or brother do I make my self clear?”
“Yes sir.” we entered the dining hall Riken helped me to a seat at one end of the table and he walked over and sat at the other end.
There where several waters and servants that had different outfits standing behind each person I looked behind me and sow to my surprise Destin in a white waters uniform. He smiled at me and gestured to the table. I turned around and sow Riken holding a glass in the air. In front of the long table that sat fourteen people make that thirteen people was decorated in reds and gold the napkins and the table cloth was red with gold trim the plats where white with gold trim. Riken pick up his crystal wine glass just like the ones that sat in front of everyone filled with red wine. I was surprised that mine was as will even though I will not be 21 for another three years. He picked up his glass and stood every one was looking at him.
“I have the pleasers of welcoming Kate to my house as adviser and friend.” He razes his glass. “That is if it’s all right with you Kate?”
“Part of his house as his adviser. I wonder if he is up to some thing?” I rose out of my seat and bowed. “It would be an honor to sir.” everyone clapped and razed their glass for a toast. I razed my glass and took a sip of the sweet white whine.
The dinner went on and on until will past three in the morning. I had to introduce myself to everyone, and they talked about this and that like what kind of familiar they have, to the different types of shampoo they use. I sow the short man with green eyes talking to Riken after diner in the other room. Suddenly Midnight barged in covered from head to tow in mud and shook his fair sending mud everywhere. This sent the room in an uproar. As people where running for their wands and staffs as Midnight came up to stand in front of me as he shook again getting mud on the new dress.
“What in the world is going on?” I yelled at him, He just stood there and stared up at me. “What?”
“Nicolas he vanished along with Scarlet.” He said holding his head down I was in shock and turned to Riken.
The next second he was in front of me “What’s wrong?”
“There gone. Nicolas is gone!” his face went white in shock
“From where?” Riken stood in front of me
“Was he still in the circle?” I questioned as I knelt before him.
“Yes.” He answered panting heavily
“That’s imposable.” I looked up at Riken and with out another word I ran to the yard.
Once outside I sow two holes in the ground where there was once grass. One of the holes is where Nicolas was charging his new wand. I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up at Riken and several other guests followed him out as will as Destin. I turned back to the dirt and sow a slit glow to it. I reached for it but got struck by an unseen force across my stomach sending me to the ground.
“Kate.” It was Riken as he knelt next to me. “What happened?” I tried to talk but pain ran throw me and I raped my arms around my stomach hoping to ease it down but it did not work as another sharp pain struck and I started to calf up blood. “Kate you ok?” he tried to get me to sit up.
“It’s not me.” I pulling out my necklace and sow that the pendent has broken in half. The necklace is useless now. I looked up at Riken “Nicolas is in trouble.”
“How did you leave him?”
“He was in a circle charging his wand.”
“That’s imposable no one can get into a power circle.” Said a woman with a dirt cover green dress her long blond hair went down her back in single long bread as she stared at me with deep blue eyes.
“There must be something eels going on.” Said a man that stood next to her in a old dirty brown suite drown hair and black eyes as he came over and stared at the hole. I looked over at Midnight and he was coming over to me from Destin.
“What did you see?” I asked between waves of pain.
“He was sitting there in the circle and Scarlet was circling it then there was this popping sound and all went dark. When I came to they where gone I tried to see if they went in but there sent did not move they did not leave the yard.” his head down.
“We must find him.” I another wave of pain ran throw me sending me to the ground.
“Kate!” said Riken I knew deep inside that they where hearting Nicolas but I did not know how. I reached for the dirt pile that was closes to me “Scarlet.” that is when it came up and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the darkness of under ground.
Pain ran throw me as I felt the cold earth surrounding me. I pulled out my wand “Fax Facis ” and a ball of light came to the tip blinding me for an instant. I looked around and sow only dirt as I lay in a small tunnel. I started to crawl the only way possible. “I hope Nicolas is all right.” I thought as I continued the ball of light followed me. Suddenly pain struck again sending me up into the walls as I tried to escape it with out luck. Darkness came for what seemed like forever tell I awoke again still in the dark tunnel.
I forced myself up to my hands and needs for there was no room for any other way. I crowed throw the dirt and mud when all of a sudden the ground gave out and I went tumbling down throw twists and bend in the rock tell I came to a stop with a thud onto a stone floor. I looked around and sow that I ended up in a large cold room made of stone it looked like an old subway. But that could not be true Vegas was a marshland and now a clay desert floor that was imposable to build to deep. “How can this be?” I asked myself trying to stand up from the pain that seized me with out luck. I did however did find the wall behind me and it was really hard to.
I looked up, as the ball of flame hovered just above me, and sow the inside of a large dome with wood rafters and stone above it. “The dragon is in there we just have to get it out.” Stated a voice not far in front of me there was light entered from the bottom of a closed door on the other side of the room. I forced my feet under me, and my back up the wall so I could stand. I then kicked off the wall and walked toured the doorway. I snuffed the light out and peered throw the opening of the door. I was in shock at what I was seeing two men one was tall well belt, with short bright blue hair and warring a “Can’t touch this” white t-shirt and dark black shorts with white shows. His partner was older around forty or so warring a black robe sparkling with silver sequences to resemble stars he haves dark black hair and bright blue eyes. They where standing in front of Nicolas who was tied with his hands over his head to the ceiling of the brightly lit room. Nicolas had his closed ripped off him. He hung two feet off the ground. His stomach had several cut marks on it and the blue hair man was capturing the blood in a boil.
“Jonathan this is not working.” said the blue hair man.
“Quit compelling Andrew this have to work that dragon is to lead us to the black dragon and the tamale. If we don’t get that information Carl will have are heads. Now bring that over here.” Said the other man standing on the other side of a short wooden fold up table that has a large dragon carved pot of imprudence boiling inside as it sent colored smoke up into the air. Andrew went over and purred the blood into the pot. This Jonathan person started to chant with his hands on over the pot. The smoke swirled and spanned to create a ball above it. It then parted to show a temple with tall white spires reaching to the sky out of a dark red brick building with a steep pitched roof surrounding a thick forest area, and then it changed to a desert temple surrounded by a lush garden over looking the city.

Child of the Dragon Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now