dressed in black

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That night they dressed me up in a Black dress with a blue choker to hide the cut marks on my neck. Destin and the others stayed at the house as Andrew, Riken, Thomas, Wolf and my self left to go meet the cancel.
We drove in Riken’s Van to the Las Vegas Convention Center right next door was The Las Vegas Hilton. We parked across the street and walked over to the main hall, which was filled with people. They’re where gardens posted at the doorway to keep the outsiders out of the hall. We entered and walked to the main floor. We sat down in the front row because both Riken and Andrew where both Arch mages. We waited tell every one was sidled down around the large open room surrounded by a u-shape tables each had five large wooden chairs. Wolf sat between me and another member while Andrew sat on my other side. In front of us was a large mettle table was flat clear crystal, a pitcher of water with several glasses, and five chairs.
We watched as a man in a brown cape and a staff with a blue crystal on top walked to the center of the room just before the table. He was not very tall but not short either. I sow several other members that I did not recognize enter and sat down at the table. Wolf put his hand on my shoulder. “This mite feel odd but don’t worry I am right here.” I looked up at him and smiled.
“Thank you.” I watched as the man in the center of the room hit the bottom of his staff on the floor which sent a wave of power throw out the room.
“Would all members’ please put their hands on the crystals in front of them so we can have role taken before we seal off the room.” the man stated in a clear voice that projected throw out the room. His voice sounded deeper then others of his size that I’m a custom of hearing.
“Kate put your hand on the crystal.” I did as Andrew told me and put my right hand on the crystal in front of me. I watched as it started to glow.
A screen appeared above our heads showing the layout of the room and the name of everyone sitting at the tables. I found my name and noticed it was a different color then the others. There have been names in blue or green even red as Wolf’s but my name was white in color. I watched as the man in the center counted everyone.
“Ok all accounted for close the room.” He hit his staff on the floor again and this serge of power ran past me and to the men around the outside they created a circle that sealed the room. I suddenly felt really light headed and my energy dropped. Wolf took off his clock and put it around me to keep me warm.
The meeting started off like any other finishing with old business then introducing new members. When they called “Kate Mc Millen” Wolf stopped me from standing and he stood up instead.
“You will address her properly,” Wolf looked like he could take down any member in the room with just a glance. The man who was in the center reading off the list looked up at Wolf and swallowed hard before bowing.
“Please excuse my rudeness. Would Society of Light member Kate Mc. Millen please stand.” I looked up at Wolf and he noted ok. I stood and he bowed to me before I sat back down next to Wolf.
“Good job Wolf now they all know who the kid is.” Andrew sat back from the table. Wolf turned to him.
“They will respect my charge even if I have to drill it into them my self.” Andrew was in shock and sat further back into his seat. When all was said and done the man asked if there was any new business.
I watched as Riken reached over and put his hand on the crystal and his name lit up on the board. “The chair recognizes Arch mage Riken of Las Vegas Nevada.” Announced the man in the center
“We have a massive problem here. Several members of my house haves disobeyed a direct order and they have destroyed the Field of Binding here in this city. They have also managed to kill several familiars and taken at least one apprentice hostage that we know of. We ask that the cancel would give us support in dealing with this problem.” Riken stood in front of his seat. One of the men at the table stood up and looked up at us. I sow a lot of pain and sorrow in his past and a lot of work he had to do to get stronger.
“These problems we are will aware of and we will try are best to deal with it.” He said in his black cape. I reached over and touched the crystal.
“The chair recognizes Society of Light Kate Mc. Millen.”
“I would like to know how you are dealing with this for it’s my apprentice that is missing.” they turned to me and I did not fear them.
“We did not know that it was your apprentice that was lost.”
“I understand that please answer my question.”
“We are searching every inch of the city for him.” I could tell he was lying to me, which got me very irritated.
“I would like the truth for I can tell that you are lying to me” the room went silent and he just stared at me fear rose in him.
“Kate what are you doing?” asked my brother I looked down at him and smiled. I sow fear in his eyes as I turned back around to face the man. They where silent then he came up to are table and I just stared right at me.
“You do not fear me child?” I smiled at him.
“No sir. Should I?”
“No child you should not be.”
“The problem is not that we fear what your brother did it’s the fact that he is going to destroy us because of this. And we do not know how to stop him.” he looked down at the table and spoke in a soft voice so only the four of us could hear.
“I understand. We need your help to find my brother and stop him before he brings the Black Dragon back to life.”
“So that is what he is planning?”
“We have to stop them at all cost but we just can’t fine them.”
“Very will we will create a locater for you.” He said smiled and bowed before me.
“Thank you.”
“Come back in two hours and we will have something to help you. I would like every one to find Carl and Hedrick Mc Millen and bring them to this assembly. This meting is over relics the circle.” He ordered and his direction was followed with out complete. He bowed to me and left with the others that where at his table.
“Wow Kate you sheer told them.” Riken looked at ma as we left the hall.
“That is where you are wrong. He was scared of me. As we where talking my energy spiked and fear ran throw him. That is why I did not fear him.” I explained as we walked over to the Hilton.
“So what are we going to do as we what?” asked Thomas I sow the Hilton sine and a big gold picture of the Star Trek emblem.
“They have a ride there let’s do that as we what?” I pleased Riken looked up at the sine.
“No that’s all right motion rides and I don’t get a long.”
“Come on you don’t have to go on. You can what at the restaurant. PLEASE?”
“Ok, ok. Just be careful.”
“YA! We should see how many times we can go on before we get sick.” I said as we walked into the Hilton.
We saw the shinny new black and white floors that have been freshly polished and the crystal chandeliers over head. We walked to our left past several slot machines and gift shops to see an entry way with two entrances one going up to a ticket booth and the other going down to the restaurant and gift shops. Wolf and I went up to the ticket booth and got three tickets to the two rides. I tried to use my credit card but the machine did not accept it and keep telling us that there were no funds available. Wolf was kind enough to by the tickets. It was really eradiating, but deep down I knew that my father must have cut me off. Thomas came up after we got the tickets. There was a museum before the two rides.
As we walked we sow different costumes and props that where on the TV series of Star Track. I thought it was really cool but Wolf did not. We whetted at the end of the museum for the rides to start. We sow a Klingon that was really tall and skinny about six nine caring a bat lift. He said he was looking for a short and orange man with big ears. I thought it was funny because there was one right behind him.
After the rides we meet up with Riken down stairs and eat some ribs and stake, which Riken paid for. We rood the ride again then we returned to the convention center and meet up with the man that was going to help us.
We meet up with Evan, the oldest member of the cancel and a Necromancer third class. He is the strongest member on the cancel. When we meet up with Evan he was sitting in the same room as the meeting. He had a stack of papers in front of him and a small radio going next to him. He looked up at us and smiled.
“Please come in. Sit we can talk freely.” Evan pointed to the table in front of him. “I was shocked when I saw you sitting in front of us Kate.”
“How so?” I looked up at him from the table
“I have been doing this a long time more then I can count and I have only seen two other Society of Light members. Once when I was younger and then a few weeks ago they are very self motivated. They believe that they are above everyone. I’m very impressed that someone you’re age could be part of the Society of Light and at such a young age.”
“Thank you sir.”
“I talked with the other members and they made this for you. You need to tie some thing that belonged to you apprentice and speak this incantation it will light your path.”  He handed me a crystal and a piece of paper. “Just be carful. I don’t want to see you my dear in a bag alright?”
“I will be carful.”
“Then I will tell you good luck.”
We thanked him and left the convention center to return to Destin’s house.
“What can we use? We don’t have anything of his?” Said Riken as we sat down on the couch in Destin’s living room I turned to the kitchen and saw Scarlet chewing on a bone.
“I have an idea. Scarlet came here please.” she looked up at me from her bone.
“You can bring it with you.” She picked up her bone and brought it over to us. She was just a hair shorter then Midnight as she came to sit next to me. “We need your help.” she looked up to her.
“What a minuet Kate you can’t use her it will heart her. You have to use something that is not alive.” Andrew was up set as he turned to me.
“Fine.” I rubbed some fair off of her. “How is this?” I showed him some hair that was not hers.
“Now that’s using your head.” Riken smiled at me. I smiled back and tied the hair to the crystal and then to another string so it could swing freely. I tossed the crystal to Riken.
“This won’t last long so we should get some sleep before leaving first thing in the morning.” we all agreed with Riken and went to bed after dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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