Part 3

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I get in the tub, breathing in and out slowly.
When I am finally in, she starts asking the questions.
"What does it feel like driving expensive cars?" Was the first question.
At first I didn't know what to say because there are other things I concentrate on when driving but I answer that I feel very honored to have the opportunity to do all this and privately I obviously continue with my passion of fast cars and have got a very beautiful Ferrari. And it only feels right like this.

She notes some things and continues asking me questions for the next ten minutes.
After that I get out of the water and grab the towel. I wrap it around me again and make my way inside. I get clothed again and than join Carlos in another interview.
During it I shoot a shot at my watch and see that it is 8:35. We continue the interview and it ends at 8:50.

"Sooo, how was you ice bath?" He asks me smiling.
I look up from the floor and put on a fake annoyed expression. I don't say anything, I just stare at him. That continues till he can't do it anymore and says sorry during laughing. I crack up as well and smile.
"It was good. Refreshing."
He stops laughing and just smiles. Than he makes a head movement to another room and walks towards it.
In that room was our worming up stuff. And our suits.
I grab my suit and get changed while Carlos is doing the same thing.
"Te ves bien" ["You are looking good"] he says looking over to me.
"Toi aussi" ["You too"] I respond giggling.

We start with the reaction warm up and Carlos goes first.
I hold the tennis ball up in the air and let it fall. He catches it and we repeat that a few more times. Than he does the same with me.
After that we get these small plates which are lighting up and we have to press the lit ones. He starts again and after around five minutes it's my turn.
After I finished that as well we both do neck training and also warm up other body parts.

"Are you also done?" I ask him because he just let himself fall to the ground and nearly hit his head on a weight.
"Yea, definitely."
"Ok, lets eat something, calm down and than get ready for FP1. It's already 1."

We make our way out of the room and grab a bite from a table with food.
I grab a banana and an apple and I didn't see what he took.
We eat and than we get ready.

FP1 starts and it goes great. No damage on my car and Carlos' either, The corner', we all know it, didn't get in my way and I felt great after.

I got out of my car and Carlos was already waiting for me sitting in a chair.
"How are you feeling?" He shouts over to me. I smile and respond "Good. Very good actually. I have a good feeling. Et toi?"
"Also good."
"And for the second one? Even better?"
"I'd say that I have a pretty good feeling." He states.
"That's good. We have to get going to the meeting." I say while waving at him to come with me. On my way I meet Lando who was waving and winking at me.
The conference starts at 3 pm and we talk about the strategy's for Saturday and than also Sunday. It ends early enough for me to run to Carlos and mess his hair up before he starts. I also get in my car again and we go off.
This one went great as well and I had the best time.

After the race I calm down for a bit till 6:20 pm and than a woman comes over to me and speaks.
"Hello mr. Leclerc. I am Anna Williams and I am going to interview you today."
"Hello Anna, please call me Charles."
"Ok Charles, would you want to come with me?"
"Yea, of course."
She Leads me around the campus to a house where there were two vans parked on front of it. We go over to the door and she opens it slightly than she turns around to me.
"When I said I would do the interview with you that wasn't exactly the truth. You will be doing it with my young college. She is right in there. Have fun." With that she leaves.

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