Part 24

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We walk over to a huge group of fans behind a fence which keeps them from running all over the paddock and stops a lot of chaos.
He signs a lot of stuff and receives gifts and a lot of bracelets with he put on the arm on which isn't the one which I put around his wrist.
Some fans even give me gifts and bracelets with I put in the bag that one of the fans gave me.

"Charles! When did you guys start dating?" Someone screams and he looks through the crowd to find the one who screamed it but he doesn't answer, he just smiles.
"Bella, you look so good!" A girl yells and Charles' head snaps towards the voice.
"Back off. She is mine." He yells back smiling and pulls me closer my my waist and whispers "right?" and gives me a kiss on the cheek after I nodded.

We keep on walking along the fence and he takes a lot of fotos and some fans ask if they could take a foto with me as well, whyever.
I take a look at my phone and see that it is 11:25 and also see some messages from Ryan, my ex boyfriends best friend.


You little slut.

When did you start banging him?

You think your better than everyone, right?

I will find you. You will regret being with him instead of me! Just wait.

You will wish that you never left my house that day. You will wish that you never had pushed me away and didn't just let me use you, just like Tom did.

You are nothing. You have always been nothing. You will always be nothing.

"Is everything ok?" I hear a female voice say and my head turns towards it. It was a fan. Standing directly next to me behind the fence and staring at my phone.
"I.. I am sorry I didn't mean to look at you phone. But I turned around and you were standing here, directly in front of me. I didn't mean to." She tells me panicking.
"Everything is ok. I am good. It is nobody."
"You sure? You look a bit thrown off. And that weren't nice messages." She says and my breathing gets heavier but it feels like I can't breathe at all.
"I- uhm, I don't know. I can't breath." I don't know why but tears start filling my eyes and my vision gets blurry.
I can't hear or think clear and can only hear my heartbeat which gets faster and faster.
I feel like passing out.

Before that could happen I feel hands touching my arms and pulling me forward, towards the huge group of people.
Arms wrap around my body and hold me close.
"Breath. Just breath."
Tears roll down my face and I can't control myself and my feelings neither.
"Breath with me. Just follow my breathing and squeeze my hand if you need to let it out." It's the same voice as before. The same soft female voice.
"You are doing great." She encourages me and I try really hard to calm myself down.
"Is everything ok with her?" Another person asks and I can't look at them because I can't move my body. I lost all control and my tears get more and more.
"Where is Charles?" A third person asks and more and more people ask if I was ok and look out for Charles and yell his name.

Still in the arms of the girl, my legs give in and I sink onto my knees which causes the girl to let go of me.
I don't know why I am feeling like this or why I can't stop crying or why I just sunk onto my knees.

"BELLA? Do you hear us?" I can barely understand them and can't answer. I am trying hard to stand up and I can feel hands trying to grab my arms but they slip of over and over again. That is, till I can feel two hands sliding under my arms from behind and pull me up.
"What happened?" I hear a male voice next to my ear.
"We don't know, she just went from happy and enjoying to unpleasant and unhappy. She looked off and it was because of something on her phone. Than she couldn't breath and started crying and broke down."
"Where ja her phone?" He voice asks.
"Here. I picked it up after she broke down. And here is also her purse."

He grabs what was handed to him and puts my right arm around his neck.
Like that we walk somewhere.

Rumor has it ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now