Part 10

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I put away the shopping cart and Charles puts the bags in his car.
When I get back to him there is paparazzi who are photographing him and taking videos. He gets in the car after asking them politely to move away which they didn't do.
He starts the car and they jump to the sides. At the same moment I get a call from him.

"Oui?" I answer the call.
"Il y a trop de paparazzi ici, je vais chez toi et puis tu montes là." ["Here are too many paparazzi, I am driving to you and you get in there."]

He ends the call and is next to me a second after. I get in and hear the clicking of the cameras.
"Donc, ce sera certainement un titre. « La femme monte dans la voiture du célèbre pilote de F1 Charles Leclerc »" ["Well, that will definitely be a headline. "Woman gets into the car of famous F1 driver Charles Leclerc""] I say laughing and he does as well.
"Well that would make my life very easy thinking about the rumor." He says and looks over to me.
"Les yeux sur la rue!" ["Eyes on the street!"]
"Ai ai capitaine!"

We talk a bit more and than arrive at his house around 8:15.
We take the bag out of the car and enter trough the door.
"Ey Carlos let go of it!" I can hear the little British kid yelling.
"No, you are only going to keep going!" He yells back.
"I promise I won't! I just want it for my head!" I look over to Charles who was smiling. "A bunch of kids." I mouth and he nods.
We take our shoes off and make our way to the living room. There we see a Lando laying on top of Carlos and fighting to get a pillow. Pierre was sitting on the ground sorting the stuff for the Wii. Charles grabs a pillow that was laying on the floor and throws it at Lando who looks up over his shoulder.
"Finally! Bella, tell Carlos to give me the pillow. Please." He says still trying to get it.
"Why me? I don't want to get into your mess." I say walking towards the kitchen.
"Lando has already sat the water on the heater for you." Pierre tells me looking up from his work.

I go into the kitchen and Charles places the bag on the ground for me. I tell him to go and make the Wii work and give him the batteries.
He goes and I take everything but the sweets out of the bag and place the drinks on a table and the stuff for the cooking on another.
I firstly try the water that Lando has made with a spoon and make a disgusted face.
"CHARLES! Est-ce que tu peux battre Lando pour moi s'il te plaît? Il a mis du sucre dans l'eau au lieu du sel." ["CHARLES! Can you please punch Lando for me? He has put sugar instead of salt in the water."]
"Il a fait quoi?" ["He did what?"]
"Il a mis du sucre lieu du sel!" ["He has put sugar instead of salt!"]
"Au! What was that for?" Lando squeaks.
"You put fucking sugar in the water, not salt! And Bella told me to." Charles tells him and punches his arm again.
"I surely didn't!" He says.
"Come here than!" I tell him and he looks over.
"No, I am afraid of you."
"Come here or you are going to be sorry. I am not stupid."

He stands up and walks past me lifting up his hands to protect his face. Than he takes the spoon and tries the water.
"Hm? Was I right or what?"
"Maybe?" I repeat and look him in the eyes.
"You were right. What do you want me to do as an excuse?"
"I don't know yet. I will think of something."

I tell him to get out of the kitchen and just let me do it and I continue to make the tomato sauce and put salt in the sugary water because I didn't want to do it all over again. I put the noodles in the boiling water and make the sauce.
First I cut one and a half of an onion and fry it for a bit. I also put garlic in there and than also the mince. After all of that was perfect I put the sauce and the tomato purée in there and also some salt and pepper.
After around ten minutes everything was perfect and I get five plates out of a drawer and fill them up with the food. Than I also take spoons and forks and take all of that in the room next to the kitchen and yell that the food is ready.

Rumor has it ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now