Part 47

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As soon as we arrive at the harbor, Lando jumps out of the other car and doesn't stop asking which of the boats ours is.
When we arrive at the yacht again Lando grabs my wrist and pulls me close to him, causing my arm to hit his chest.
"You better keep that man!" He whispers.
I look him in the eyes, being very close to him "I will do anything for it."
"Are you guys aware that it looks like you are kissing to others?" Carlos sticks his head out next to me and I jump at the unexpected person next to me.
I shove away from Lando, laughing and guiding them onto and around the yacht.

After I showed them everything and Charles went to get three more jet-skis during with time the other two and I were sitting on the couch, watching miraculous. Somewhen we also changed into our swimming clothes and than we went over to sit on the couch again. I lay down, head in Landos lap and press the continue button on the remote.

"Lando you better not plan to steal my girl!" A French voice came from the kitchen and I turned my head backwards to look at the man standing there. "Oh, I am all yours."
He nods and holds up his hand, sticking the index finger out, showing us four keys hanging on it.
I get up and grab one. I get out, being followed by the other three.

Everyone gets on their jet-skis and I drive off and test the speed the moment I am out of the 'no-speed zone'. At first the speed nearly throws me off of it but than I figure out how to properly sit and curve around the others.
"When did you learn that?" Lando shouts over.
"I didn't, it's my first time."
"I hate you!" He yells.
"You love me."
"I surly hope he doesn't." Charles clicks in and I laugh.

We drive around, making some competitions and we drive into a beautiful lagoon with a cute little beach with no one on it.
We jump in the blue, clear water and swim around, making a competition out of that as well and I win, as my left hand hits the rocks on the other side first. Lando swims into me which makes me lose my grip on the stones and I fast lean onto another rock with was right beneath me. I kick him in the butt for doing that and he laughs till someone leans onto his shoulders, causing him to sink beneath the surface.
Charles is now the one laughing as Lando fights his way up for air again.

We swim back to the jet-skis again and while swimming I sense a burning pain in my hand but ignore it till I climbed onto the jet-ski. I look down at my hand and than at my thigh on which a drop of blood just landed. My eyes switch between my hand and thigh some more times as more and more drops land on it.
"Can we go back to the yacht for a second?" I look over to the other three and they nod.
"Do you need something?"
"Yea, you could say so." I lift up my hand for them to see it.
"What did you do?" Charles looks at me worried and I just make a isn't-important hand move.
"Must have been the rocks." Carlos says and we start driving back.

After around ten minutes of driving back we arrive and I jump into the water to swim over to the yacht. There I climb up a leader to get in the top of the boat.
Finally up there I walk in and go up the stairs onto the bathroom. I take a quick shower, washing off the salty water especially out of the wound. It reaches from the palm on the side of your he thumb over to the first knuckle of my little finger. I also have some little scratches all around the main wound but they don't hurt as much.
I hop out of the shower and dry myself up. I put on another bikini and than take out a bag from my suitcase. I bring it with me into the bathroom and open it after laying it onto the free space next to the sink.
I take out disinfectant spray and spray in on the wounds. I bite the skin of my cheeks hard and breathe through, having to cough because of the smell of the spray. I put some cream on it which is supposed to make it heal faster on top of that I put a folded tissue and than warp bandage around my hand. Not to tight, not too lose.

After I cleaned up the sink from blood I climb up the leader to the top of the yacht with my headphones, a book, my phone and some sunscreen.
I yell down from the top of the boat to the boys that they can do whatever and Imma lay here in the sun.

I lay down, put my AirPods in and put on some music. I put a very thin layer of sunscreen on the parts of my Body which normally get red easily because I want to get more brown. Than I lay down comfy and relax.

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