Part 26

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I start thinking out loud what we could need.
"Ok, we need more alcohol which I will get in a store when I get the other things as well. I have to buy plastic cups and think of some drinking games. I think beer-pong won't be too hard to do, but everybody knows that."

I open tiktok to get some ideas and the first one than I write down is "drink while you think".
In that game the first person starts (obviously) and says a word according to the category the group has decided to chose, for example a name of a celebrity, for example George Clooney. The next person has to now think of another celebrity who's name starts with a C but while they think the have to drink the drink that's in their cup. They are only allowed to stop drinking when they say the name of another famous person starting with C, for example Chris Evans. That game continues like that till the group decides to stop. If a persons drink runs out they have to fill it up again.
If, depending on the chosen category, the players can also say only one word, the next person has to say a word starting with the last letter of that word.

I keep looking through tiktok and find another one, called "royal kings" or also "high card".
For that game you need the cards from a card game and shot cups or just cups which you fill with a certain alcoholic drink. Everyone is handed a card which is put upside down on the table and on the count of three everyone is turning their cards around and the one with the lowest card has to drink their shot. If there is a tie that they are handed a new card each and they are playing together about who is going to have to drink. It there are two ties in a round the lower one has to do the deciding card revealing.

Next I find a recommendation of an App which is called "DAFUQ - Party Games" and you have to type in the names of all the players and than start it. The App than shows some kind of card and one of the players names is written over it. On the card is something written, like a dare or a truth or an embarrassing question or something like that.

I write down other apps as well to download, like truth or dare or never have I ever.

"What can I buy to create a vibe? I mean I can't just buy LED's and put them all over the place, right? When I say it like that I doesn't sound that bad anymore. And I need to organize a fucking DJ."

I go to Google and look for the best DJ's that are near our location.
I finde some and write an Email to them, asking if they are free for tonight.

"Why does it take so fucking long to just ask some DJs if they are still free tonight? Ok, that is done. If they don't answer or they say no I think we are just going to use Charles' music boxes outside or I will force Lando to be our DJ for the night. Ok, it is 12 and I think Imma go buy the alcohol and things to mix it with and like everything else now."

With that I stand up, grab the car keys and my purse.
I take a short look at the phone and see that Charles had just texted.

Charles Bella

I forgot to tell you that
there is some money
in the nightstand. Take
that to do the shopping

Ok, I will do that.

Have fun.

Thank you, you too.

I go over to the nightstand and open the drawer. In there is an envelope and I open it.
There is money.
A LOT money.
I take the envelope and put it in my purse.

I leave the bag, that I got from that fan and the bracelets but it, on the bed.
I make my way out of the Box and the Ferrari garage and walk over to the parking lot. There I get in the car and drive off of the parking lot.
I drive to the next shop and park the car next to it.

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