Part 19

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"Enough guys! You already have all the eyes and cameras on you." I hear a Spanish accent talking into my ear and I flinch at it because I didn't expect Carlos to be right next to me.
I take one of my hands away from Charles' neck and punch Carlos' shoulder.
"No, really guys. Every camera is on you." He says again and I open my eyes and lift my head up from Charles' neck.
He wasn't lying. Alone behind Charles are four cameras on us.
"Good for me." He whispers in my ear and I smile.
I push him away from me and look around. There were literally like fourteen cameras on us.

He grabs my hand and we walk over to the Ferrari garage.
"Je dois aller à une conférence de presse maintenant, tu peux venir si tu veux. Vous pourriez vous asseoir si les autres journalistes étaient assis." ["I have to go to a press conference now, you can come if you want. You could sit were the other reporters sit."]
"Pour toi, j'aime venir avec toi." ["I'd be happy to come along with you."]

Still holding hands we walk into the conference room and the other drivers look at us as well as some interviewers.
I sit down in the second row and some reporters and interviewers look at me while I do so.

The conference starts and the drivers are asked various questions.
It goes on like that for 30 minutes and than Charles was asked a question again.
"How did it feel like finishing second best and than hold your loved one in your arms directly after it? Rumor has it you are dating, is that true?"
He looks like he doesn't know what to say and looked over to me. I point at my heart two times and look him in the eyes. He starts smiling and answers. "It felt great. I couldn't have been more happy. I have already helped me for tomorrow and was rewarded by having her by my side."
He winks at me and I grin.

Lando, Carlos and Max look over to me as they smile as well and Lando makes a head movement which I don't quite understand but I think it means something like "that's your man". But I am absolutely not sure.

He than is asked another question by the same interviewer.
"Did you know that she had lunch with Tom Holland today? While you were here. Did you have a problem with that?"
I bite my teeth and look over to him who titles his head to the side and speaks "Do you think she wouldn't tell me such a thing? Also I know Tom. I couldn't have a problem with that if I wanted to."

The Interview goes on and ends around 6.
Charles walks over to me and offers me a hand which I gladly take.
We walk out of the room and make our way to the cars. We get in and drive off after making a bet about who is going to be faster.
I start the car and he does the same. I am in front of him and drive just on the edge of the speed limit. I drive past a traffic light which turns red after I went past it.
I grin and drive the rest of the way in an very enjoyable speed and still arrive at his house before he does.
I already park the car in the garage when he finally arrives.

"Ce n'était pas juste!" ["That wasn't fair!"] he tells me when he gets out and I leave the garage.
"Chaque feu était rouge." ["Every traffic light was red."]
"Ne change pas ma victoire. J'aurais gagné de toute façon." ["Doesn't change anything about my victory. I would have won either way."]
"Mhm." He says as he walks over to me and grabs me by the waist. "J'ai déjà ma revanche." ["I will get my revanche."] he pulls me towards him and my tummy feels tingly.
My waist touches his and our faces are also close to touching. He looks me deep in the eyes and than whispers in my ear. "Il semble très facile de te rendre nerveux." ["It seems to be very easy to make you nervous."]

I push him away from me and open the door. I take my shoes off and walk up the stairs without saying a word to him.

Rumor has it ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now