Part 25

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"Non puoi semplicemente portarmi via da lì! Dov'è?" ["You can't just take me away from there! Where is she?"]
"Non lo sappiamo." ["We don't know."]
"Cosa vuoi dire che non lo sai? Non ha idea di dove potrei essere e forse non sa nemmeno dove sia!" ["What do you mean you don't know? She has no idea where I could be and maybe doesn't even know where she is!"] he yells again.
"Charles-" the other person tries to calm him down.
"No! Se le succede qualcosa, giuro che sei un uomo morto!" ["No! If something happens to her, I swear you are a dead man!"] he shouts at him and continues "Non me ne frega un cazzo di quanto fosse importante quello che volevi dire! Niente, ripeto: NIENTE è più importante di lei! Non cercare di scusarti o spiegarti!" ["I don't give a fuck about how important it was what you wanted to say! Nothing, I repeat: NOTHING is more important than her! Don't try to excuse or explain yourself!"]

They keep on arguing and that makes me cry again.
"No, shh everything is ok, he isn't angry at you."
"I- I can't." I try to say something but it doesn't really work.
"You can't what?"
"I am sorry." I say braking down again.
"No no no no. Don't be sorry."
"Ok ok, wait."

He gets up and walks somewhere and somebody comes running towards me shortly after.
"Omg, Bella, are you ok?"
"Charles?" I ask as he gets on the ground next to me and grabs my hands.
"Yes, I am here. Nothing can happen to you. You are safe."
I collapse forward and fall into his armes. He holds me tight and tells me over and over again that he is there and nothing and nobody can hurt me.
He doesn't let go of me till I am calm again and can talk and think normal again.

"What happened?" He asks and I breath in deeply.
"I- um. Can you give me my phone?"
"Um, yea." He lets go of my left hand grabs something laying behind him. He takes my purse and puts it on his lap. He take my phone out of it and hands it to me.
I unlock it and open the chat with Ryan again. "Here." I say and hand him the phone back.

He grabs it and looks at it.
His facial expression changes from confused and a bit serious to completely serious and shocked.
"Omg Bella, come here."
He puts my phone on the ground and pulls me into a hug.
"Are you ok?" He asks as I burry my face in his neck.
"Yea, I am now. It is just embarrassing that I broke down in front of so many fans." I tell him chuckling.
"Nah, I think it's going to be ok, my fans I kinda nice."
"Kinda?" I ask laughing.
"I think it's going to be ok." He tells me and I give him a kiss on the cheek. 

We talk a bit more and someone comes over to tell Charles that it was already 11:30 and that he has to get out on stage for the fans.
He looks over to me and I nod.
"I will plan your party in that time." I smile and he grabs my hand.
"What are you doing Char?" I ask as I follow him.
"Imma show you my box for you to spent the time in." He tells me and I continue following him.

We arrive at his box and he opens it and quickly tells me where I can find everything and than gives me a kiss on the forehead.
"It is possible that I go and get some things yea? So I may not be here when you come back." I say and he turns around for a sec and slides his hand in his left front pocket. I watch is actions and than catch something that he throws to me.
It was his keys.
I stand up from the bed I was sitting on and jog over to him to give him a kiss on the cheek. He than leaves and I fall back onto the bed again and start thinking about the party.

Rumor has it ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now