Part 21

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"Princesse." He called out for me "Le dîner est prêt." ["Dinner is ready."]

I have been laying on the bed for the last fifteen minutes and now roll over and let myself fall of the bed.
I stand up and grab my phone. Than I walk downstairs where I walk into the living room.
There he stands.
Flowers in his hand.

"J'ai pensé que cela pourrait être une sorte d'excuse pour toi avoir taquiné comme ça." ["I thought that this could kind of be an apology for teasing you like that."] he says smiling.
"J'ai beaucoup aimé." ["I liked it a lot."] I look at the ground and he lifts up my chin with his hand.
"Je savais que tu l'avais fait." ["I knew you did."]
"Mais je les prendrais quand même si cela ne vous dérange pas." ["But I would take them either way if you don't mind."] I say while staring into his beautiful green eyes.
"Bien sûr, ils sont à vous." ["Of course, they are yours."] I smile and take them gratefully.

He grabs my hand and tells me to close my eyes. I do as he says and follow him were he is guiding me.
He tells me to make a bigger step which lets me assume that we just walked outside.
He stops and tells me to open my eyes.

In front of me is him.
Standing so close that I can hear and feel his breath. And as if that wasn't close enough he steps even closer which causes our noses to touch.
"Tu es trop belle." ["You are too beautiful."]
I place a kiss on his cheek as an response.
He steps aside for me to see what's behind him.

In his garden placed on the grass there is a blanket with drinks and snacks on it.
There also is a huge white sheet spanned between two trees and the Disney plus Homepage is shown on it.
"You didn't."
"Hell yea, I did."
"God, I love you."
"Who doesn't?"
"Ok, I changed my mind. Fuck you. I will just text Tom, Carlos, Pierre or Lando to take me out for dinner." I get my phone out of the left pocket and act like I am looking for something.
He snatches my phone out of my hand. "No you won't do that."
"Fine, but give it back." I say, stretching out my arm for him to give it to me.
"Nope." He tells me putting it in his left ass pocket.
"Vaffanculo!" ["Fuck you!"]
"Quindi l'italiano è una delle lingue che puoi parlare anche tu." ["So Italian is one of the languages you can talk as well."]
"Dovrai provarne un altro se vuoi provare a insultarmi senza che io capisca cosa stai dicendo." ["You will have to try another one if you want to try to insult me without me understanding what you are saying."] he says grinning and I shrug.
"I will, just wait." I tell him and he grabs my hand as he sits me down on the blanket.

„So, here we have some different food because I didn't know if you liked this but yea. Eat whatever you want to eat. And we also have red and white wine. You choose which one we will drink. I mean you can also drink both but I can't drink too much because you know the race and everything." He tells me as he sits down next to me with a Laptop in his hand.
"I would love to try the red wine." I say as I move a bit closer to him.

He hands me the laptop and tells me that I can choose a movie to watch and he opens the bottle and pures the wine in two glasses.
I try it and it tastes very good. It's a bit sweet but not too much which makes it perfect.

I end up picking tangled and he stares at me after seeing what I picked.
"Yes! You can't say anything! You said I could pick." I say and smirk.
"So this is the punishment for teasing you?" He asks and I press play.
"Come on, it isn't that bad."
"I will watch it for you."
"Naw, you are so cute." I say while stroking his cheek.

Rumor has it ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now