Part 55

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We drive back to the yacht and make ourselves some dinner. After that we watch a movie which he picked out, because he has been complaining about the fact that I always choose the movies. He chooses the movie 'the conjuring'.

We watch the movie which was interesting but not too scary even tho he as been flinching at some scenes.
I just laugh it off and eat marshmallows during the movie.

I am foully focused on the movie when my phone vibrates and I lift it up to be flashed with first of all the light of my phone which I quickly change to something darker and also 25 messages from Lando.

Worm 👀


What are you doing?

Oh, are you fucking? I don't want to
interrupt anything.

I hope you are using a condom because
otherwise it would be verrry irresponsible.

No, fr, are you fucking right now?

You didn't tell me yet how he is in bed,
i really want to know that.

I have been wondering for a long time
but I mean I can't ask him because
he doesn't know. And I also do not
want to have sex with him.

If I think about it like this...


No! I do not want to have sex with
your boyfriend.

Even tho he is pretty hot and nice
and probably has a huge dick.

What am I saying?!

Obviously he has a big dick. I mean
you can see that by just looking at
his face. That says it all.

And his face... wow, you really got
a beautiful boyfriend.

You really need to tell me more about
your sex life. I want to know everything!

I can also tell you about mine but there
isn't really much to say. 

But there was this one... no! I am only
telling you, if you tell me.

Why aren't you answering??????

Why did I text you in the first place?

Oh, I know!

I took this photo of you two

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I took this photo of you two.

You are too cute together.

I want to have a girlfriend.

But I also don't know if I really want
one because you are bad enough.

What is that supposed to mean?

Oh, you can answer? 

Have you been fucking?

No! We are watching a movie

Anyway, there you have the foto,
have fun with 'watching a movie'

Thank you, I love you too

I show the photo to Charles who took my phone from me to look at the photo clearer. His eyes formed into a small slit and than he talked "oh, that's us. We are so pretty."

We keep on watching the movie and after it get ready and than go to bed because he has to leave early tomorrow.
I, myself, do not have to stand up that early because I am going to play tennis with Hannah again.

I wonder what it feels like to get good sleep. That's something everyone that's in the contact list of Lando Norris must wonder because how the fuck is it even possible to text someone none stop in a time span of five minutes? Doesn't his finger sleep in or something?

When I am finally done with overthinking my live choices, I look at my phone and am once again flashed by an enormous amount of messages.
12 from Charles
7 from Hannah
179 from Lando
3 from my parents
What the fuck did Lando do?

The huge amount of messages turned out to mainly be 'helllloooooooo' or 'Belllaaaa'. There wasn't even an actual purpose for waking me up like this other than him wanting to be wished good luck and also sending me selfies with other drivers like a crazy fan girl.

I answered him with 'firstly, I absolutely hate you and secondly, I hope the practice and everything goes great and you do not get hurt. I believe in you, you can beat them all.'
Than I go over to my parents messages and look at what they have texted me. They said good morning and asked if I would be visiting soon.
I quickly went offline to look into the F1 calendar which Lando had put on my phone to with be said 'so that you always know when to support me.'
'F1 is in Brazil next week, so I think I will be visiting you next week if that's ok? Can I also bring Charles? I really want you to meet him, you'll love him.' I text them and look at what Charles had sent me.

He basically just sent me what I have looked at a second ago and asked me out on a date before going to Brazil. And continued telling me that my answer is only allowed to be a 'yes' because he had already booked the place.

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