Part 68

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"And now, how do I get on this?" Charles says standing in front of Luiza.
"Put your foot in here and then you pull yourself up on there and then you swing your other leg over the back." I point at the things I mean and then watch him do it. He actually does it very well and after him I get on my horse as well.

"Well then, let's get started." My father says and gives his horse a sign to start going.
My mum follows him and Char and I go behind them.
First we just step and then we start trotting. Charles has his problems with the stability on his horse but he gets to control it within the first ten minutes.

At first we walk along a dry side street and than we go into a forest with leads us, after an around 30 minutes ride, to the beach and than it's only a ride of twenty more minutes and than we arrive at my lagoon.

We whole way we talk and I show Char how to do some stuff better. We also plan what to do after Brazil in the summer break. We did not quite figure it out yet but we definitely want to travel and visit new country's.

I teach him how to gallop and we have our fun galloping through the woods. Charles even jumped without intending it. The jump was fairly high but he was also inches away from falling off.

We gallop a lot on the beach as well and he goes through the water to splash me, which backfired harshly on him because he for once nearly fell off and got splashed way more than me.

Around 2pm we arrive and put our horses in a shadowy spot and give them food.

"So Char, I will show you now our tradition here." I take his hand and lead him over some more huge and smooth stones and show him our self build little cabin.
"What is this?" He asks me as I open the wooden door.
"My dad built me this cabin when I was little and we went here the whole time because my favorite activity besides swimming and relaxing was drawing. I loved drawing on my legs and my parents backs as everything." I take out a box with color and brushes in it.
"And now you are going to be drawn on. You can even choose what you want." I grin at him and walk back to my parents who have just put down everything for the Picknick.
"Ooh, can I have sunflowers today?" My mum takes the box from me and places it next to our drawing blanket. "But fist, let's eat."

Charles and I sit down next to my parents and we start eating sandwiches and strawberry's.
We talk once again and my father and Charles also tell me what they want drawn. Before I start drawing we go into the water.

I show Charles a little cave I found when I was little

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I show Charles a little cave I found when I was little. "You know, when I found this, I was so fascinated that I stayed here for over an hour and my parents thought I ran off or got lost or something and then when I had enough on my own I waited for them on our blanket to show them the little cave. They were kinda mad at me but were fascinated too when I showed them this."
"So you have always been a trouble maker. I understand."
I just shrug and lead him back to our place.

"Who wants to go first?" I ask and look at the three people standing in front of me.
"If it's ok, then I would like to go first because after I would like to sun." My mum says and the others nod in approval.
I draw her sunflowers from her shoulder down to her hand and also a little one from her temple down to her cheekbone. She thanks me and than I draw the same motive but in little on my dads arm because he wanted them to match. He also walks off to the spot with the most sun to lay with my mum.

"So, what do you want?" I say looking at him as he lays down.
"Don't care, just let your creativity go." He rests his head on his arms and I climb on him to draw on his back. I just start doing anything and for that the result looks very good.

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