Part 42

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"Babe, would you consider going over to the changing rooms now? It is getting a bit heavy." I look over to the brunette who was easily carrying about seven kilos of clothing. I nod in response and we make our way to the changing rooms. 

"Should we go into the family cabin? There is more space." I stop looking to my right where the cabin was located, curtains opened.
"Yup, as long as I can put all of this down." He wines and I chuckle, stepping aside, making way for him to pass me.
He places all the stuff on a shelf and leans back against a wall whiles I close the curtains and take off my shirt.
He looks me up and down and earns another punch for that.
"Stop staring and try yours on as well!" I grab some pants and trow them over to him.

We spent around an hour in that cabin and try on everything that we have there.
I try on dresses, pants, skirts, shirts, sunglasses and various other things. Charles' options are limited to pants, shorts, shirts and sunglasses even tho I told him he could try on one of the dresses but he rejected the offer. But there was this thing in his eyes. The thing that tells you that they are considering the option but he brushed it off by handing me another dress.

"What are you taking?" I look at all of the things that he stacked on top of each other.
"Well, this stack means 'absolutely not taking that', this one means 'thinking about it but I need the pretty lady standing in front of me to chose of me because I don't know' and this one means 'I have decided to spend a lot of money on that'." I lift one eyebrow and than look at the stack of things that he pointed at when he said that I am supposed to choose. I lift up every single piece of clothing and look at it for a moment and than place it on one of the other stacks.

He ends up getting six shirts, three pants, four shorts and also sunglasses.
On top of that stack I put seven shirts, two skirts, three dresses, one long pants and two shorts which are for me.
I stack all of the clothing which we are not going to take on one stack and hold one piece of clothing in my hands which looks very good but was on the 'definitely not taking that' stack and I look over to him.
"Why did you put this one the 'not taking' stack?" I questions and he looks at what I am holding in my hands.
"I mean it looks very good but it's too small."
"We can look for a bigger one."
"Nah, I looked through all the other shirts and this was the biggest one."
"Than we ask someone." I tell him and grab the shirt, put it on the other clothing on Charles' armes and open the curtains for him to walk out.
Immediately an employee walks in an grabs the clothing we are not taking and puts it somewhere else.

We walk towards the counter, looking for another employee to help us with the shirt.
As soon as I spot one I walk over to them and ask them for help.
"Com licença?" ["excuse me?"] I ask them.
"Sim, como eu posso te ajudar?" ["Yes, how can j help you?"] they turn around and look at me and the shirt in my hands.
"você poderia verificar se esta camisa está disponível em tamanho único em estoque?" ["Could you please check if you have this shirt one size larger in the warehouse?"] I hold the shirt up a bit and they nod and take the shirt, turning around and walking through a door.
I turn around and look up at Charles' eyes.
"You make me love you even more with every single little thing you are doing." His gaze wonders down from my eyes to my lips and I get up on my tip toes to give him a quick peck on the lips and than turn around again to the spot the employee was standing in before walking through that door.

After waiting for a minute or so they appear again and hand me a shirt, putting the other one over their shoulder.
"Obrigado!" ["Thank you!"]
"De nada, tenha um bom dia." ["You're welcome, have a great day."]
"Obrigado, você também." ["Thank you, you too."]
I take the shirt and walk over to the counter with Charles. He pays and we get a huge bag for our clothing.

We walk around the mall, eat an ice cream and go into some other shops, one of them being Prada and also Nike. I didn't want to get anything from Prada because I felt bad because it is stupidly expensive but he just chose it for me and bought them.

We are already on our way to the huge doors again when he stops and looks over to a shop which sells very good looking underwear for woman and also bikinis.
"Didn't you say you need a bikini?" He gives me a quick side gaze and I am already on my way into t the shop.
"You didn't just choose it because of bikinis right?" I smirk at him and he gives me a dirty look.

As soon as we enter the shop there are already two employees walking towards us. One of them guides Charles over to some seats in front of a very cool looking changing room and they talk to him about something which I don't hear because they are too far away.
The other person comes over to me and introduces themselves as Laura and tells me that she will be my assistant with anything that I need in their shop.
"O que você está procurando?" ["What are you looking for?"] they ask and show me different sets of underwear.
"Estou procurando um biquíni e também algo com que possa surpreendê-lo." ["I am looking for a bikini and than also something that I could surprise him with."] I point at Charles who is shown some pairs of underwear which were probably going to be for me. A little smirk appears on his lips but he focuses again and chooses some which the employee is putting in the cabin and than gets new ones after Charles said something.

Laura shows me some bikinis of which I choose two to try on and than she also shows me the 'special' underwear which are made for 'a good surprise for the partner' what she called it.
I chose one of those as well and than walk over to a smirking Charles. Laura places the things in the cabin and tells me to call out for her if I need something.

I get in and look at all the underwear on the rail and my mouth drops open.
"Charles! You know that this is going to take ages for me to try on right?"
"Oh, I have time. It's only 5:40."
"Till when are you planning on staying here?"
"Till you are ready."
"Ok, your problem." With that I end our conversation for now and grab the first bikini. After I put it on and showed it to Charles who rated it an 8 I put on the next one and show that to him. He rates again and we continue that for the next 30 minutes. The only thing I am not showing him is the pair that I will use to surprise him.

I end up with six pairs of underwear and the second bikini. The special pair placed under the other ones I walk towards the counter and give the cashier who is the employee that helped me a little wink and she nods in response.
She starts scanning the clothing and I point out of the store to a huge clock that is hanging on the wall which shows that it is already 6:15.
"It was worth it tho."
"You didn't even get anything." I turn around to the cashier again who is just placing our purchase in a bag winking at me.
"But I will see you in it. That's enough for me." He puts his phone against the card reader and it beeps in response.

We say thank you and goodbye and walk out of the store again.
He puts all of the bags which were five by now in one hand and grabs mine with the other one. We walk out of the mall and towards the red Ferrari. He presses a button on the car Keys and the trunk opens.
"And this is supposed to fit?" I lean on the car as he placed all of the bags in the trunk.

He takes a seat in the driving seat and I place the second, also huge, bag on my lap.
"I told you it wouldn't fit."
"Yea, whatever."

We drive for around ten minutes and arrive at a pier. He parks and walks around the car once again to open my door. I thank him and he takes the bags off of me.
I get out and close the door while he already walks to the trunk.
"I will not allow you to carry all of them!" I grab two big bags from his hands and he gives me a side eye but closes the trunk at grabs the rest of the bags.

"Where are we going?" I question as we walk along a path next to the car park of the pier.
"You'll see."
"I hate waiting."
"I know." He bumps his shoulder against mine. At least his arm bumps against my shoulder because we aren't on the Same hight level which makes him laugh.

We finally arrive at a gate and he opens it with a key which he grabs from his pocket. Does he have everything in that pocket?
We walk along a jetty and stop in front of a yacht.
"You didn't."
"I did."

Rumor has it ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now