Part 67

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I roll over to my left side, facing my boyfriend, at least that is what I expected. The reality was different, in front of me was a dog. Very fluffy and definitely snoring.
I pull up my eyebrows and look over the dog to look for my boyfriend. And there he was. Laying behind the puppy, one arm around him the other under his head.
So it only takes one cute dog to replace me.

I stand up and walk into the bathroom, getting ready for the day. I take a glimpse at the clock and see it's already 10.
I put on my horse riding clothes and walk back into the bedroom, placing the clothes for Charles on the nightstand.
"What is that?"
"That's your outfit for today. It's my dad's but it's better if you wear this rather than normal clothes."
"We are going horse riding?"
"Jup. And now get ready to help me getting the horses." I throw a pair of socks at him and he finally stands up.

I go downstairs and see what my parents are up to and see them sitting on the couch. I ask for the stuff we need for the horses and they refer me to the table outside where some of it was placed.
Outside I take it and show Charles, who just walked down the stairs, the way to the paddock.
We arrive there to four horses, three mares and a stallion.

"So Charles, here is a halter and a rope and now show me how to put it on Luiza, she is the nicest

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"So Charles, here is a halter and a rope and now show me how to put it on Luiza, she is the nicest." I hold out the halter and rope for him to take.
"And which one of these is Luiza supposed to be?" Charles takes it and looks at me with a questioning face.
"She is the brown one right there." I point at her and he makes a confirming sound. With that he goes under the fence and i follow him.

He tries to put it on for ten minutes and Luiza stays calm the whole time. After he tried it for the seventh time he gives up and looks at me with puppy eyes. "This is impossible!"
I take the stuff from him and explain very step I do while putting it on and than click the rope in.
"Voilà" I smile at him and give him the next stuff and point at the next horse.
I put the rope of Luiza over her neck and walk over to char again.
This time it works the second time and we do the same with the last two horses. Enzo, my horse I do myself and than we make our way the barn to get them ready.

Twenty minutes later we have put the horses in their stalls and have gotten the grooming supplies.
First we put Luiza in the hallway and I show char how to groom her and what else to do. After he told me four times that he understood I take Enzo out as well and groom him and get him ready.

The funniest thing was when Charles tried to clean the hoofs and failed to get her put the leg up. He grabbed it with both hands and pulled with his whole strength. Even his head went red, maybe also because of the heat or the exhaustion but my legs nearly gave in, laughing.
I than walked over and softly touched her lower leg and taped on it with my index finger. Immediately the leg went up and I looked up at char. "Do it yourself now."
He went over and tried again. I gave him a little tip and than it worked.
"I am a horse whisperer." He grins at me and I just shrug it off.
I tack Enzo up and than help Charles again.

We do the same with the other two and than put them outside in the shadow. We go back inside and Charles lets himself drop on the couch.
"Are you done with everything?" My mum turns her head towards me.
"Jup, thanks to char we were faster than expected. Have you prepped the food?" I sit down next to Charles while looking at my mother.
"Yes, take everything else that you need and than we can go. But you definitely need a towel and bathing stuff."

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