Hi and some info

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Hiya! You can call me Dawn or Jasmine! I'm a therian whose been awakened for almost a year now!  I'm 14 and my birthday is on April 9th! I hope you all enjoy reading my stupid journal!!

More info:
-I'm Christian
-I'm out to my family about therianthropy
-I'm always looking for new friends
-I live in Texas
-I practice witchcraft occasionally
-My therianthropy wans and wax's like the moon, meaning at time I feel more animalistic than others
-I'm question a lot of different animals but my current theriotypes are: Austroraptor(paleotherian), and a cross fox
-I'm an artist and I enjoy drawing a lot!!
-I play the drums
-I do quadrobics
-I'm in the furry fandom, but only slightly
-I use she/they pronouns
-I'm a Demigirl
-I'm pansexual/Panromantic
-I'm taken currently 🩷
-I have 1 dog named Bandit!
-I LOVE nature
-I HATE HATE HATE cockroaches
-I have 1 sibling: a little brother
-my parents are both still here and together(I don't mean to upset anyone by saying that)

Thats all I can think of for now!
I hope you can enjoy whatever I wrote on here!
I will try and write every night about my day but we'll see how it turns out!

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