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Okay do ya'll think I should just continue to write in this journal until I don't want to write anymore, or start another sense it has a lot of parts to if already?
Actual journal part starting now-

Okay so I woke up to my bf calling me, and we talked for like a minute sense he was about to get busy and I was still sleepy. After we got off the phone I made myself tea, cause my throat hurt. My allergies are punching my in the face right now.

While drinking my tea I watched Wednesday and played some animal crossing. After finishing most my daily chores on animal crossing. I wanted to make a therian pin! It turned out super good!

Totally go check out my therian craft book!

After making that I hung out while listening to rain noises. I have this app called rainy mood lite, and I love it so much! It can play rain, thunder, and bird sounds. Alone or all together! I like listening to this because it reminds me of home and being an animal once again!

After that I got a snack and found some more crafts to do and put into my therian craft book! There's actually not that many good crafts :T

After looking for a little I went and played more animal crossing! My island doesn't look like much yet but it will be super cool I already know it!

A while after that I got to talk to my bf! :3 once we got off the phone I went out to the creek, but it was super hot so I didn't stay long.

For some reason I've been feeling intense deja vu all day, maybe it's cause I've been wearing my tail all day? Or cause summers almost over? But idk it's a weird feeling.

Once I got back from the creeks I just scrolled on Pinterest and watched TikTok. Then later I started watching a true crime show. I only finished the first 2 episodes but it was good.

After that hung out in my room and made more plastic straw fangs, which now that I'm not wearing them I miss them T-T

A while later I started working on my witchcraft book! And I worked on it for several hours before my dad got home from his work trip! After saying hi and getting this trip gifts I went back to my room and worked on the book some more! Writing that book actually made me remember that I love witchcraft and it's so fun re-learning all the stuff I haven't done in a while!

A while later I took a super long shower, partially because I was doing a full body cleanse and wash and shit. But also cause my allergies have been bothering me, so a long hot shower is kid a helpful!

Nothing else interesting is gonna happen tonight so that's this book officially finished! If you wanna see more of my journal go to my new book "Fox playing human" it'll have my journal entry's continued!

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