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I woke up and started working on my summer school work. I forgot about it yesterday so I had to do yesterdays and todays. Which sucked, but after I finished I got to go watch my show. I started watching "the queen's gambit" it's a show on Netflix about chess. It's very good but not for younger viewers.

After watching for a little I went out to sweep the porch, and I found a praying mantis!!

After watching for a little I went out to sweep the porch, and I found a praying mantis!!

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He was very cute

After that I play fnaf sb for a while before getting on the phone with one of my friends. We talked for a little while.

After getting off the phone I watched tv while making myself lunch. I made scrambled eggs and a smoothie. It was a good meal, I need to learn how to cook different stuff though.

Also today is the full moon!!

Later I practiced my quads and filmed a few TikTok's to post later! After that I watched some TOH, it's one of my favorite shows! I've already finished it but I'm re-watching it.

A little while later I watched some more queen's gambit. I ate dinner while watching. Then I got on the phone with my boyfriend, and we talked for about an 1 and a half before he had to go. Ngl he is like my favorite person on earth.

I went to bed after that

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