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After being up all night I got back home at 7 and went to sleep till 12. I would have slept longer but my mom woke me up to go to Starbucks.

OH MY GOSH I FINALLY GOT A DRUM SETTT! After Starbucks we went to Music Strait, which is like my local instrument shop. And I was thinking like "holy shit am I bout to get a drum set?" AND THEN I DIDDDDD!

It took a little to put together, and then I needed to rearrange my room to fit it in there but like omg. I finally have a drum set!!

I tried called my bf to tell him, but he didn't pick up. :[  he might be sleeping though, sense we were up all night. So I'd rather him sleep than hear my tired ass squeal about it. Anywhoo

I moved my room around a lot trying to find the best place to put things and my new drums set. Also like putting that drum set together was emotional. Particularly cause I was tired and I'm used to playing on an acoustic not an electrical. Electric drum sets are quite different from acoustic. But I would never be able to fit an acoustic in my room so electronic is better!

We figured out my whole drum set and I got to call my bf and say hi and tell him! He had just woken up though and I had to go work on my drums more. Anyways I played one of the few songs I know how to play. Then I just kinda hung out. Even though I got a few hours of sleep I was still tired so I took a little nap.

After my nap I finished watching the second season of Heartstoppers! It's like a super good show I highly recommend it.

I didn't do much today so my "routine" at this point was basically, scroll on Pinterest, play drums, lay on stomach(I had cramps), eat a snack, play drums, get back on phone.

Ooo I also did some skin care as well. Like I said the other day, my acne is being mean to me. Plus I'm bout to start school so I want to look my best!!

After a while of that I had dinner and watched Kipo. Another great show! 10/10 recommend. I got to call my boyfriend a few more times and I showed my dad my drums.(he had been out while I set it up and shit)

Vent Insert-
I feel like my best friend from last year doesn't wanna be friends anymore. They respond dryly and extremely late sometimes. She responds really weirdly, I'll send a vid she responds 30 mins later, I'll ask a genuine question about like when we're gonna get together next and they respond 2 days later saying "oh idk, probably not soon". Like I try to text her when I can but they never try! I'm not very good at remembering to call ppl and I find it hard to text people cause they app I text with has a very strict time limit on it. But I still try my best to text her. I'm trying to keep up with older friends and friends we both knew, kids I met at camp, and online friends! And it feels like she isn't trying to text me at all. I wanna stay friends but I just..- I just don't think they want to stay friends.

Anywho after showing my dad the drum set I basically just hung out. I drew a little, but I'm trying out a new style and it's frustrating. And my bf didn't call me back like he said. He was gonna call when his mom got back home cause he has to stay where all his fam can hear when she's gone. But I'm writing this at like 10 and he said that he'd call me back sometime around 9.

His mom may still be out. He's probably still very tired from last night/this morning. He didn't actually sleep once he got home like I did(I got 4 hours once I got home, he had 10 minutes 6 hours after he got back to his mom's house). Maybe he spent so much time with me he's tired of me? Idk I don't usually overthink our relationship because I know for sure I love him and want to stay with him after highschool, and I'm like 90% sure he loves me and wants to stay with me after highschool too. Anyways im probably overreacting.

I hung out on my phone till like 11 before going to bed.

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