An apology

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I want to say sorry in advance for all my readers. Im taking a break from TikTok and likee so I'm not really doing any quads practice or filming quads videos. And my life is pretty boring sense it's summer. So right now there's not going to be a lot of therianthropy topics being discussed in this book. I do walk around on all fours to get from one room to another but that's not really something im gonna put in there. "I was watching tv then needed to get a blanket from my room so I walked on all fours to it" like no im not gonna write that im just gonna say I went and got a blanket wether I walked on all fours or not. And I will eventually, if it's something major or it happens talk about my shifts, or quads practice, or possible new theriotypes and such.

I know people read therian journal to hear about therianthropy and read about other's experiences. But the reality is that therians aren't just therians, they're gamers, sisters/brothers, artists and people who have a daily life. And my therianthropy tends to wan and wax, meaning at times I feel more animalistic than other times. I kinda have mini mental shifts I suppose, like I'll be sitting and then I get the sudden urge to do quadrobics. But right know my life is just kind of boring.

When school starts back up I'll have more to talk about and stuff like wearing gear to school but I don't have that right now. So I'm sorry if ya'll are a little bored. I ask that you stick around until the end of August and if it's still boring by the time I start school and all that drama then your free to not read this anymore, of course I can't force you to do anything.

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