
16 1 7

I woke up and I was still feeling a little sick. But I ate some honey and that helped a little. After that I did my schoolwork. Then I went and watched some tv.

I watched Kipo AOW and Scooby doo: mystery incorporated. I love scooby doo, I've watched it sense I was little and I just can't get enough!

(Possible theriotype rant coming up, your welcome to skip)

I feel as though I might be a cat. I'm not sure what breed, but I relate to lots of common cat traits. Rubbing my face against or head bonking things I like. Climbing all over loved ones, sunbathing, stalking and hunting urges. I have biting urges as well, idk I just get the random urge to bite people.
But the vocals I make never sound like my theriotype. I coo, hiss, growl, and bark. I know that I'm not a dog therian, I've looked into wolves and other canines, but they never feel right. I've looked into doves and pigeons because they make cooing noises, but that never ever felt right.
Now the barking and growling is probably me trying to make Fox vocals, which is hard for humans sense we have human vocal cords. And the hissing and cooing could be my austroraptor theriotype, which is very plausible sense we don't know exactly what noises they made.

Anyways I watched Scooby doo for quite awhile, cause it's hella good. Not even joking when I say I watched it like alllll day.

Anyways after almost finishing the entire series I organized my backpack for school sense there's only a week until school starts. I'm no longer stressed about starting! I have a whole section in my notes dedicated to school and school related stuff!

After that I went back to watching, sense I was almost done with the show. A while after that I had dinner and then went to drum lessons! My instructor says I need to be more self-confident when playing. She's probably right.

Once I got home I did the dishes and took a long hot shower. Then I split my playlist into 2: happier songs, and sadder songs. (Each still has about 200 in them 😜) after that I made some tea, and taught my brother some drum stuff.

Sense he's younger than me he likes to copy or take after me. He says he wants to learn how to play an instrument: "probably the guitar" he says sense we own 2(my dad used to play). But he won't commit. And my mom won't put him in lessons till he's begged her over, and over. (Took me about a year of constant asking and pleading for her to let me go to drum lessons, and then about half a year of lessons before she got me a drum set)

Anyways after finishing my tea(around 11) my mom told us to go to bed. So I got a class of water, took a cough drop, took some time to draw, then took my melatonin and wrote this last bit before going to bed.

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