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I woke up after having part of the weirdest dream. It started off like a family trip but my bf and his dad were with my grandparents so we followed them. Then we got to a weird park like neighborhood thing and got into a fight and I had to become a rogue instead of fighter??? Then we broke into some houses before going back to like a playground and seeing my bf's dad. My mom talked to him about some stuff for are upcoming date and my boyfriend like stayed away from me. Then I was with my brother and his neighbor friends and we were swimming, but then we were playing in the gym at my church?? And then we went to a movie theater like right outside the gym and they got wet? And like people were getting sick at the theater?? Then we left and one of the boys was with his girlfriend(idk if he has a girlfriend irl or not) and I kept hearing him say somewhat sexual things that he wanted to do with her and her just giggling and him looking back at me and smiling and my face just being like- ._. And then I woke up :DD

Anyways after that I went with my mom to the highschool I'm going to so that we could actually find my classes this time and know where things are. Sense they did a bad job at touring yesterday. We also picked up my laptop and went to lunch.

I feel a lot better about going to highschool now. I have a map with my classrooms highlighted, I have seen them and know where they are. I'm just glad I was able to go with my mom instead so random upperclassmen, and if not being crowded helped.

Anyways after lunch when I got home, I set up my laptop and got to talk to my bf on the phone! We have a date tomorrow with my church. I do a lot of the youth stuff with him :]

I spent some more time setting it up after we got off the phone, I joined my google classroom and started a school playlist and other things! I'm actually a lot less worried now and feel very prepared for my first year of highschool!! :]]

Anyways after setting up my computer for like an hour I just kinda sat and watched TikTok's and read.

Also I don't know wether I mentioned this but I've figured out I'm a cross Fox!! It's the same as a red Fox (vulpes vulpes), silver foxes are also the same species but just fully melanistic, while a cross Fox is only partially melanistic. I'm a more bright Red Cross Fox with silver/black bits on my legs, rear, and tail, and only a bit of silver on my face!

Anyways after hanging out on my phone for like an hour I decided to do some skin care! My acne is acting up, and I have a date tomorrow so I'm tryin to make it go away.
(Any tips on how to get rid of acne fast?)

Anywho I was super bored so I decided to practice my 26th note timing for my drums! (Yeyy I actually practiced!) it was fun but frustrating.

After that I wrote some in my other books and talked to my friend for a little while! Their a snake and grey Fox therian. They're chill I enjoy talkin with em!

A little while after that I had dinner and then I played some aj! And then I played outside with my brother!!

After that I talked to my bf for a little before getting ready for bed. After showering and stuff I just hung out on my phone for a little before finally going to sleep.

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