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I woke up really late at like 12:30. Once I woke up I watched some anime before starting my summer work. After I finished my summer work I started to play on my Xbox.

I played for about 2 hours. I got my phone taken away for a little because I yelled at my mom. I didn't mean to I was just annoyed. After I said sorry and I got my phone back so.

I continued to play games, mainly fallout, and then my brother had to go do chores so he couldn't hang with me. After he finished part of his chores we went outside and played together!

I'm trying to teach him some quad basics but he thinks it's cringe and weird. Even though he thinks that he's actually really supportive, so I still tolerate him. U^U

I got my brother to help me film some TikTok's! Which I was thankful for. After that he had to finish more of his chores before we could go out-outside.

Then I had to talk to my mom bout some personal stuff going on which was upsetting. After that I went back to playing fallout.
(Please don't ask what stuff! I'm putting it in here for myslef so I can remember and I don't want to talk about because it is personal)

After playing fallout 4 for about 2 more hours I decided to go to the creek with my brother. At this time of year it's all dried up so we walked the bed of it for a little.

Once we got home we hung out for a bit before having dinner. After dinner I play some animal jam play wild, or as it is now just animal jam! If you play you should totally buddy me!

My AJ ACC: Queenartichoney

I'm actually in a therian pack on there! After playing for a little I watched some shows before finally going to bed around 11

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