Best Friend

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I blinked feeling the sunlight hit my face and I rubbed my eyes. I reached over and turned off my alarm.

I then up and looked around, I looked down and noticed my book next to me closed showing the back.

"I must have fell asleep reading," I mumbled as I reached over and grabbed my book setting it on my nightstand. I yawned and got up, then I walked over to my suitcase and opened it grabbing clothes to take a shower.

I walked into the bathroom and then stared at myself in the mirror.

Wow I looked like shit.

I sighed and then reached down to turn the faucet on. I turned the handle and froze. I tried to turn it again and no water came out. "This must be some kind of joke," I said nervously and turned to the shower and tried that handle. It didn't work either.

I stared at it and groaned. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" I huffed and thought for a moment.

I can't go back to the office since I forgot were it was. And I don't know anybody here, I don't want my first impression me asking for the shower.

I continued to think and then Stan popped into my head. He said his parents owned the camp so maybe he could get my shower fixed.

I huffed and then opened my door and walked outside. I walked over to his cabin and knocked on the door.

There was no response and I knocked louder. Then the door swung open and I blushed hard.

I was face to face with muscles and looked lower and noticed a v-line and sweat pants. "Why the hell are you up this early? And what do you fucking want?" I heard and made eye contact with Stan. His voice was deeper than normal, he must have just woken up.

His hair was messy and he was rubbing his eyes. I noticed his piercings were out so his face looked softer. I shook my head to stop the thoughts in my mind. "Uh- My shower doesn't work," I mumbled.

Stan leaned closer glaring, "Listen it's 4:32 in the morning..your going to have to speak up," He said and I noticed bags under his eyes, has he not got much sleep? I wondered why that is.

"My shower doesn't work and I need it fixed," I repeated and he frowned. "Not my problem," Stan replied and started to close the door. I glared and grabbed it swinging it open again, "You're family owns the camp so it is your problem," I hissed and he groaned.

"Well I'm not fixing your shit," He glared and I gave him a challenging look back, "Well you're going to have to," I spat and pointed my finger at his chest. He looked at me and rubbed his face sighing. "It's too damn early for this."

I crossed my arms, "Well sorry sleeping beauty that I woke you up from your sleepy-weepy," I said sarcastically and held my face, while blinking my eyelashes rapidly.

Stan turned and stared at me with hatred. "For your information I've barely gotten sleep, so your problems aren't mine darling," He said. "I'm going to keep bothering you until it's fixed," I leaned on his door and raised my eyebrows.

"Try me," He challenged and slammed the door in my face. I blinked shocked that he actually did it.

I scowled fully pissed off and started to slam my hand on it rapidly knocking. I did this for 5 minutes and then he flung the door open again. "God you're worse than my best friend," He mumbled and rubbed his eyebrows.

I blinked confused and wanted to ask him who that was. "Just use my shower for now," He said and I looked at him shocked. "What gonna chicken out now?" He asked crossing his arms and leaned on the door, and I rolled my eyes.

Under The Sunset (Stan x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now