Movie Night

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"What the fuck are you doing?!" Stan and I yelled simultaneously in shock.

"It wasn't me it was this dumbass!" Kenny and Clyde both yelled in unison. They both were covered in pop and had popcorn in their hair. And they turned at the same time to glare at each other.

I seen Stan's eye twitch out of the corner of my own. "I don't even have the energy to deal with what I'm looking at, so I swear to fucking god you better clean it up," He said.

Stan rolled his eyes, "I'm going to change, make sure they clean this," He looked at Kyle who came in to see what happened. He also made a face and became annoyed.

"What's gotten into the both of you?" I asked looking at Kenny who had a serious look on his face. Since I've met him this was the first time he actually looked upset. He glanced at me and like magic, snapped out of it.

"Nothing Y/n, I just realized that some people will forever be dicks," He said with a smile but his words sounded hateful.

Clyde scoffed, "You say that but you'd do it too," He smirked. Kenny frowned and looked at him again, "I hope you got off enough from the pop, since you're so fucking thirsty," He said while grinning and then took some popcorn out of his hair and threw it on the ground.

As if he wasn't exactly the same...what a hypocrite.

"I'm going to go get cleaned off, sorry guys," Kenny huffed and walked off. I watched him leave and then looked back at Clyde. He scoffed again and then walked out.

What the hell could have happened in that time frame I was with Stan to make the both of them so irrational?

Kyle sighed and started to clean the kitchen. I got on my knees and began cleaning too. Kyle looked over to me, "You don't need to do this Y/n," He smiled gently. "It's cool dude, besides I owe you for the help with cleaning the stage the other day," I smiled.

He grinned slightly and we began cleaning together. "So what could have made Kenny act so...?" I emphasized indirectly.

"Stupid? I'm not sure, but if it had to do with Clyde he probably said something annoying like he always does," Kyle sighed. "Annoying? What could be annoying enough to piss off Kenny? He never gets angry," I replied in question.

But, Kyle didn't give me an answer. He just sighed and kept cleaning up the brown liquid on the floor that was the pop. I didn't ask anymore questions either and cleaned as well.


A while later Stan came back. He was shirtless and only in black sweats. He had taken his piercings off. And his blond, black rooted hair was a little wet, by now we had all also changed into pajamas.

I was sitting on one of the stools that was at the table across from the living room. I watched him walk over to Kyle and start talking to him about something on his laptop.

And without shame, I stared at him intensely, he had dressed like this before. But since I had been coming over he kept shirts on. I never got to see him like this. My eyes trailed lower to his v-line again like they did on the second day of camp.

Then I paused in my tracks and I became red. I shook my head looking away, not his real girlfriend Y/n! Definitely shouldn't check him out. With my hands I covered my face. Bad thoughts, terrible, terrible, thoughts Y/n!

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